There isn't a photo of the whole machine because the area is a mess and I haven't gotten around to tidying it up.
I was about 22 when I realised that the machines I grew up with weren't standard household sewing machines, they were industrial machines. If someone hadn't told me this, I would probably still think that industrial sized machines were household ones. I now know that the "small machine" we have is the household size one.

When I was younger, I used to love looking at this little window because if it was empty, that mean it was time to top the oil up. Those of you with eyes will realise that a refueling is needed.
My aunt got her finger stuck under here when I was younger:
This machine is older than I am.
When I was a baby, my whole family lived in the same house and my mum, grandmother and aunts used to sew clothes for the High Street shops and thus had about 5 industrial sized machines between them. As the girlies got married, they each took one with them..
Not one to be left behind, I was always faffing around and playing with buttons and stuff so my grandmother gave me this box which I cherished.
This was my favourite button as a child and I remember getting a right telling off when I punched my brother because I thought he stole it. It later turned up under my pillow.
Here's some of the stuff I've made recently:
Is anyone else into sewing? I quite like it because you can knock up stuff that nobody else has and people are always quite impressed when I tell them that I made something myself from scratch (they don't need to know that my mum did the confusing bits!)