Showing posts with label Rhamnousia's Recession Raves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rhamnousia's Recession Raves. Show all posts

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Rhamnousia's Recession Raves: Dabur Vatika Styling Hair Cream

Today's Recession Rave is a far cheaper and more effective (on me) alternative to the infamous Philip Kingsley Elasticizer.

My Recession Rave for today is...
 Dabur Vatika Styling Hair Cream

I am so glad that I bought this.  The instructions say to use it before washing your hair and to leave it on for a few minutes but I leave it on for about 20 minutes and it has, over time, totally changed my hair.  My hair is no longer frizzy and dry when I wash it.  It's nice and smooth and I know it's because of this product.  In texture it's like a normal conditioner but a bit more watery and you simply apply it to your hair as you would a deep conditioner and let it work..and boy, does it work. I've got no idea why it's called a hair styling cream when the instructions clearly say that you use it before you wash your hair and then you wash it out.

For the longest time I called it Kula because the Arabic font on the other side of the container looks like it says Kula..
It retails for about £2 and it was quite difficult to find.  I bought my first bottle two years ago and then I didn't find it again until last it to be the way that when I stock up, they have tonnes of stock left.

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Rhamnousia's Recession Raves: Clarity Blackhead Removing Nose Strips

This is the first in the series of blog posts which I hope will carry on all year, I thought now was the best time to start as money is usually tight after Xmas.  You can probably already guess that I started this post a lot earlier in the year than the date on which you're reading it as by now, Christmas is well gone and there have been sightings of Easter Eggs.

I woke up this morning and saw on the BBC News website that the recession was over although I personally think that we have a long way to go before we are as stable as we were before and that this news, albeit is good, is nothing to get too excited about.

Anyway, the basic premis of my recession raves are products which are purse friendly and which work better than their more expensive counterparts.

My recession rave for today is... 

 Superdrug's Clarity Blackhead Removing Nose Strips.

I've been around the world with nose pore strips, trying the most expensive to the cheapest.

The costliest I have ever used were the Biore Ultra Cleansing Pore Strips which came in at a whopping £7.99.  You get 6 in a box and this works out to be £1.34 per strip which is pretty pricey considering you only use it for all of 10 minutes and that you are supposed to use one a week.  They did nothing.

The cheapest I have used are the Clarity Blackhead Removing Nose Strips from Superdrug.  These retail at £3.42 but are currently on offer at £1.49.  You get 5 in a packet and so each one costs you 29p.  That's more acceptable if you ask me.

I didn't hold out much hope for these as recently it seemed as if nose pore strips would never work on me.  I whacked it on my nose after making sure it was wet (the usual palava) and waited 10 minutes.

Take it off and voila, it's actually picked up all the dirt I had on my nose.

You know when you look at the strip and are having mutual feelings of disgust and pleasure? I had that feeling with these babies and was pretty chuffed by how well they had worked.

I'm going to be stocking up on these as they are, in a word, GREAT.

This concludes my first recession rave, my next one is an alternative to Phillip Kingsley's Elasticizer
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