
Monday 11 October 2010

Review: A Perfect World for Eyes by Origins

I went to John Lewis a few weeks ago on a mission to buy an ice cream maker, a mission that went horribly wrong as they were out of stock (boo!)

Instead, I picked up some pegs and a clay mask by Origins.  Origins currently have a GWP (gift with purchase) offer on whereby you buy any skincare product and you get three sample sized items for free.  Whilst we are on the GWP issue, I don't understand why most brands make you buy two products before you get the free gifts, that always grinds my gears for some reason because I feel that the SA's always try and push extra products on you because they know women can't resist "free" makeup.

I have been using the mask sporadically (a review is to follow) but one thing I've been using since I obtained the mask is this eye cream: A Perfect World for Eyes.
I am in love with this baby.

This is a very generous sized sample which is obviously a good thing, don't you hate it when people give you samples of products and there's not enough in there for you to use and determine whether or not it will work? This happened to me at LUSH, the guy gave me a sample of the 9-5 cleanser which would make Ebenezer Scrooge look like William H Gates.  Seriously, I wasn't asking for the world, just an amount of cleanser which would actually be able to be used for more than a day.  And I did buy something, I didn't go in there trying to score some free LUSH.

Anyway, back to this eye cream.  It is quite thick compared to all the eye creams I have used in the past (read reviews here, here and here).  I think the thickness might be key in what makes it work faster.  I have never seen results this quickly before.  I use it in the morning and in the evening but I have done that with every other eye cream I've had and none has delivered results this quickly.

It is meant to be a firming eye cream but I feel it goes beyond firming.  My under eye area feels firmer, smoother and I am sure it has lightened the area up too as I find myself using less concealer.  I must point out that I thankfully don't have dark under eye circles like a lot of Indian people have.  The area is a tiiiny bit darker but you can't tell..the only way I found out was by staring at my face in pictures.  I can go without concealer, I only wear it because it peps up the shape of my eye.

The cream is very easy to blend in and doesn't settle into the lines under my eye.  That's another thing actually, I feel that it has made some of the lines appear not as deep as they were before which is always to be welcomed.  One thing I forgot to mention before, you only need to use a tiny bit at a time.  If you use too much, it will blend in nicely but towards the end of the day it will start to peel off and you don't want that.  Just use a tiny (less than pea sized) amount and you're good to go.

I've nearly finished the sample and when I do, I'm going to buy the full sized version of this.

If you want to buy the full sized version or want to buy something else and get a sample, you can check out the range of products online here.


  1. This sounds like just what I need!

  2. I'm going to try this when i'm at their counter! Does this beat eye circles as well?

    I love their Clear Improvement Clay Mask <3 i'm on my third tube already!

  3. I got this with GWP!! cant wait to try it! I have a clinique all about eyes sample to use up... almost done yay! its pretty pants to be honest... amazing review! I will be careful about using too much at a time! :) xxx


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