
Thursday 3 December 2009

Jessica Nails

Some time last week I entered a Jessica Nails giveaway on Twitter and I subsequently won (it would kinda defeat the purpose of this post if I hadn't).

Now, I'm a nailbiter and for some reason I've never been able to stop for a significant period of time. I've grown my nails for parties etc..but they've been bitten as soon as the party is over.  The last time I managed to grow a single nail to a decent length was when I swatched the ASDA nail polish.

The fact that I'm a chronic nailbiter has not, however, prevented me from amassing a million and one nail varnishes so I was still pretty happy that I'd won this giveaway.  I'd never heard of Jessica Nails before this and I'm saddened by that as these nail polishes are great for oh so many reasons.

Anyway, before I get into that, here's what I won..

Look how rammed that little bag of goodies is. I'm going to take a second (read 150000 minutes) to go on about the packaging. I got the package on Saturday morning at 7.30 a.m. Usually, the postie would have had to leave it at the door but because I was up for a desi function anyway, I was more than happy to grab the box.  Fast forward 10 minutes and Mr Ross is going mad because I'm sitting in my dressing gown ogling my goodies. Fast forward 20 minutes and Mr Ross is somewhat placated as I've finally managed to get dressed and put my makeup on and hide the goodies (just incase we get burgled, because you know, nail varnish is the first thing those skanky burglars will take).

The box was a standard cardboard box but was packed with both massive bubblewrap and those funky S shaped polystyrene thingies you get. I was super excited when I saw the pink bag above, namely for the cute little nail varnish tag..

How gorgeous is that? The tag explains the contents of the little bag.  The visually and mentally astute amongst you will realise that the bag in the photo above contains more than is detailed on the back of the label.  That's because the folk at Jessica's Nails also sent me four nail varnishes.

These are the goodies I got in the bag:

A nail file which I found looks very classy (as far as nail files go), some hand/foot emulsion (I love that name), some cuticle care bits and an oil. Now, I'm a complete proper nail care novice so I'll be Googling how to use the certain bits. I've only smelt the pink cuticle care cream and it smells really nice, I can't place the smell but it will come to me.

I got four nail varnishes, two were of a larger size and two were smaller.  The two larger ones were Black Ice (a gorgeous black with palpable glitter in it which applies sheer after one coat and not sheer (?) after a second coat) and Midnight Mist.  Midnight mist is a really dark purply affair.

I'm a bit confused about the two smaller sizes because they came in their own cardboard box which simply stated "For your eyes only" on it.  At first I thought that was the name for both the shades (i.e. the name of the duo) but then I realised that it was the name of the purple polish.  Anyway, I'm not complaining as the colours are really nice and I assume that they're the travel sized versions. Even for a travel size, they're still pretty big.

I notice every little thing about stuff I buy/win and I feel that if the company go to an effort, someone should take notice of it. With the package I got a personal note from an employee at Jessica Nails and I also got this: 

I'm aware that everyone who won would have gotten the same thing but I loved the way the message on the back read as if it came from the heart. Plus, there is some great help inside if you have problem nails.

The only issue I have with the prize is one which is internal to me, that being my chronic nailbiting. You'd think that with diseases like swine flu doing the rounds that I'd have enough sense to not put my fingers in my mouth but in my defence, it's my nails, not my fingers (ha ha).  Anyway, I've decided to buy the Nibble No More from Jessica Nails because these polishes are far too nice to be hidden away on my toes or to be given to my mum (sorry, mum!) Hopefully that will work for me, I used a sponge dip version of that product before but it permeated onto food so I stopped using it.

The very next post will be a swatch/review of the nail polishes so stay tuned!


  1. Fantastic goodies hunny, Im so jealous!!! hehe.

    Im a recovering nail biter, not a day goes by when I don't wanna just have a bite :( hard times babe hard times, I feel your pain.



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