
Wednesday 2 December 2009

Review: Revlon DoubleTwist Mascara

The lovely people at Revlon must have seen that I was a mascara fiend and they sent me the Revlon DoubleTwist mascara to review.  I got the mascara on November 19th and have been wearing it for a few weeks now.

This wouldn't be a review by me if there wasn't some waffling about the general procedure of getting the mascra and trying it, so here goes...

The mascara arrived in a pretty big Jiffy bag.  A bag which was pretty big considering I was just getting a mascara.  I opened the bag and found the mascara tube wrapped in black tissue paper, a little leaflet about the mascara and a lot of Revlon DoubleTwist mascara sweets. I quite like this little touch, it wasn't just one or two sweets, the bag was pretty full.
My first impressions were that the tube is MASSIVE.  It's the chunkiest tube of mascara I have.  I thought the Prestige tube was big but this is bigger. It's shorter than most mascara tubes though.  It contains 0.40 fl oz. of product.

For some reason I thought it would be double ended like the one from Maybelline.  The mascara look dry and wasn't coated on the wand as it normally is but I gave it a bash and my findings are below..

Revlon say:
"It's worth a double take..massive volume and remarkable definition.

You can have it all.  Volume and definition are achievable with one magnificent brush.  The NEW Revlon DoubleTwist mascara is the next generation of mascara with a revolutionary 2 in 1 brush that combines the lash building properties of a traditional brush with the comb-through precision of a moulded brush.  The result is enviable volume and definition with a rich colour impact."

What's the USP I hear you ask? Well, Revlon say that this mascara is.."the next generation of mascara technology:
  • creates massive volume and remarkable definition
  • volume boosting formula with intense pigments provides plump, luscious volume and rich colour impact like never before
  • innovative spherical polymers or "swelling spheres" in the formula roll onto lashes to create increased volume and a smoother texture for a better application
  • opthalmologist tested"
The blurb said all the right things to me as I would LOVE a mascara that makes my lashes look thicker and knockout.  My lashes are quite long and thick as it is but I'm always looking for a mascara which will take it to the next level.  So far, Clarins is the baby doing it for me.

I used to be in love with the Rimmel Extreme Definition mascara as it had a comb applicator and really let me get to the roots.  It didn't provide much volume but it worked a charm for lengthening etc..My demands from a mascara have changed as the mascara industry has itself made strides in what it can offer customers and now I look for a mascara which lengthens, thickens and can curl too (Clarins manage this perfectly).

As the brush is a new design, Revlon provide some application tips:
"Apply 2 coats starting from the base of the eyelashes extending to lash tips, wiggling mascara wand slightly from side to side for desired lash look.  Use the tapered tip to reach corners of eyes and bottom lashes".

What does "desired lash look" mean? Anyway, I followed these tips and even applied mascara to my lower lashes (which I normally never do).

How did I get on with it?
I think you guys have gone long enough without any pictures so I'll treat you, here's what I got in my parcel:

Firstly and most importantly, this is what the gorgeous sweeties looked like:
They're really nice..but my brother has appropriated the lion's share for himself.

This is the leaflet I got with the mascara, look how flawless they've made her skin look.  I'd kill for skin like that..

The tube of mascara, it's pretty thick and stumpy (not a bad thing) and it's actually red and not orange as my camera has made it look. I like the fact that the casing is not black as it makes it easier to find in your bag, I pointed that out as being a good thing in my Prestige mascara review. I like the fact that you can find something without having to root around for it.

 I got the following shade:

The brush is a hybrid, this is my David Bailey attempt:

And this is what it looks like without the mascara on it (click on the photo to see it in super close detail)

As soon as I took the mascara wand out I saw that the whole wand wasn't coated "properly".  I applied it and I got a decent enough result but clumping was evident.  I cleaned the wand and dipped it again and applied.  Once again the mascara stuck to the wand in a haphazard way.

The eyes, both alone and with the glasses test:

I kept on with the mascara and have now worn it for two weeks.  Over the period of the week my opinion on it has changed dramatically, mainly because I never apply mascara in the same way on any two given days.

I have to say that you do get bigger looking lashes etc..but you have to be careful how you apply it so that you don't get clumps.  If you clean the wand then that really helps matters. I found that the best way to apply it would be to do a swift criss cross action when putting it on. It is pigmented but I've used ones which are more pigmented.

I put it on again today and decided to take some "glasses test" photos for you guys and I saw that the mascara looks knockout from a distance, i.e. when you're viewed from a human angle. It really elongates and thickens the lashes. There is some clumping but you can get rid of that by cleaning the wand. I still think that Revlon need to work on the formula of the mascara a bit, make it a tiiiiiiiiiiny bit runnier and it will work a charm.

The only claim I really have an issue with is this:

"Innovative spherical polymers or "swelling spheres" in the formula roll onto lashes to create increased volume and a smoother texture for a better application"

I don't really agree fully with this claim.  I agree with the increased volume because my lashes do look mega but I don't agree with the smoother texture and the rolling formula as when you look close up, the formula isn't really that smooth as I saw definite clumps. The increased volume is deffo present though and your lashes don't harden up which is great.  Usually, the mascaras that promise length and volume make your lashes rock solid. This mascara keeps them soft all day there is no flaking..

Yes, but t'aint a first choice purchase.  I'm going to separate this part as I have mixed feelings about the brush and the formula of the mascara. Had I based the review on one usage, it would be a no as you have to learn how to use the brush and clean it to get decent results.

The formula
I LOVE the fact that it gives you bigger looking lashes but I don't like the fact that you have to master a technique re. application and that you have to clean the brush to get your lashes looking great sans clump. Revlon need to work on the fomula of the mascara a bit as it does (at times) obscure the usefulness of the new brush.

The brush
The brush, however, is deffo a hit with me, if Revlon work on the actual consistency of the mascara, they'd have a hit on their hands. I really like the fact that you get the larger plastic bits for bigger lashes and the brushy part for the smaller lashes. As I said, it's the consistency which holds back how good the brush is. Once I cleaned the mascara off it and re-used it, the results were 10 times better.

The US website states that it is available in four colours but the leaftlet states that there's only one shade, Blackest Black and RRP is £8.99.  Maybe we get the rest of the colours if this one takes off?


  1. Amazing review - I got sent this, but no sweets! *sulks*. This will be taken into account during the review Revlon! You have been warned lol x

  2. nice one :) do u really believe if 2/3 coats of mascara works? just a doubt :(


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