
Sunday 6 December 2009


My hair is in dire need of a cut.

I've had my hair quite a few shades and lengths over the years but about a year ago, I found the cut I liked.

Have I had it cut since then to maintain it? NO.


Many reasons really, one, work was hectic, two, I wanted to find THE cut I wanted, three, I thought I could grow it a bit.

My hair grows fast enough, even without the oils I use on it.  This is why my hair has long outgrown the bob stage and the awkward "she had a bob but didn't trim it" stage.  It now looks like I'm a dutty mare who hasn't bothered doing anything with her hair..which is partly true.

I've narrowed down my style choices now and all I need to do is book it and go and actually get it cut, here's what I like:

I am loving Miss Alba's hair and hope that I can make the fringe work on me but I have a notorious history with fringes as they do start to annoy me after a few hours.  I quite like Lauren's cut too but it seems a bit boring for my personal taste because I want a fringe that comes out a bit more so it looks like I'm to have Jessica's for the body, hehehe.

Am I the only one who has been lazy when it comes to getting her hair cut or are the rest of you like this too? Usually, I'm quite quick to get it cut but sinc the last time I cut it, so much has happened..I became fully qualified at work, I've been flying all over the place, I've had a trainee under my wing, I've had to do so much more work etc..and my free time has been used just bumming around..

Are you ladies influenced by the cuts that schelbs sport or do you usually go for what you like/your stylist suggests?


  1. hmm interesting post, i always go thru stages where i want to do something diff to my hair but for a solid while now my focus has been to grow it and iv been ever since sculpting my hair to have the perfect v cut with choppy layers, HOWEVER....i actually want that fringe jessicas sporting in that pic, iv been contemplating it for over a month now and still abit scared because the last time i had that fringe was when i was 5! but i likeee it alot!!

  2. Thanks :) I have always wanted short hair, ever since I was younger and I had it for a good few months but I eased myself into it by having layers so I could tie the long bits back and see how I'd fare with short hair. I got a really short bob last year and it's just grown since. I want the bob and fringe back.

    You should use the oils I mentioned to grow it longer, that's what I used when I needed to grow it for a wedding.

    I've been contemplating her hair cut since about August, this post has been in draft mode for way too long.


  3. I really like Lauren Conrad's haircut. I had a slightly shorter version of the Alba cut last year but it made my face look really chubby. I'm really lazy when it comes to cutting mine - I don't think I've had one in over a year...

    Not really influenced by celeb hair although I've had about 4 different cuts over the last 3 years. I just tell my hairdresser to do something that will suit me and it usually comes out good!

  4. Hi, I liked the second one better! First one makes me feel like I have somethin' suspended on my head, so might not be able to carry that confidently. It helps hide the big foreheads, its chic. First one is for younger girls, I feel. of course, personal opinion :)

    Being a south-indian, i had waist length hair, but had a shoulder-length layer cut...I can say, I am a lazy bug as well :)

    publish all ur drafts, dying to read :) thnq

  5. These days I always prefer short styles simply because I have a weird shaped skull that's flat at the back - it's easier to get some volume with short hair! Either that or I just kinda suck..:p

    Kinda miss long hair though!

  6. i really like Jessica Alba's haircut
    but it really wouldnt look as good on me as i have wavy curly kind of hair


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