
Sunday 1 November 2009

Products I would quite happily elope with..

Hey everyone,

How are all 64 of you?! Bloody hellfire! (How old do I sound?!) 64 people who read what I go on about, that's berluddy amazing! I told the Mon about this and he was equally surprised (though I'm sure for different reasons because he thinks he's smart..but I know him!)

I thought I'd do a post about stuff I am currently loving so here goes..

Here's the group shot:

  • Tesco Vitamin E face wipes: £0.27p
  • L'oreal Tecni-Art Liss Control: £1.50 (though priced about £10 just about everywhere)
  • Carmex lip balm: £2.44
  • George at Asda nail polish in Raincloud: £1.00 (I had this a while before Charlotte blogged about it and have had a post about it in draft form for ages...damn my slow self)
  • Boots Expert Senstive Soothing Eye Gel: £4.49
  • YSL Gloss Repulpant Shiny Lip Plumper (shade 2: Plum): £15.00
  • Boots No7 Eye shadow Blend and Contour Brush: £6.00 (I paid £1.00 because I had a voucher)
  • Anatomicals Help the Paw hand cream: £1.95
  • Boots Essentials Fragrance Free Eye Make Up Remover pads: £1.49
So, why do I love them?

Here's why..

Tesco Vitamin E face wipes: £0.27p
  •  CHEAP! 
  • They've become HG for me because they are wet enough to make me feel clean
  • They're so forward thinking that if I take a day off from my usual skincare routine the day after using these (I use them at night), my skin behaves itself all on its own
  • I blogged about how my Biore wash gave me some unwanted white heads.  Well, this beauty is the solution.  I've been cleaning my face with these wipes and they've gotten rid of the white head situation
  • THEY EVEN OUT SKIN TONE! How bloody amazing is that?! You get change from a 50p and they actually do something they don't advertise as doing
  • Skin looks flawless after using less than half the packet
L'oreal Tecni-Art Liss Control: £1.50 (though priced about £10 just about everywhere)
  • This is one for the people with curly hair, a small amount gives you shine without being greasy
  • You can ignore the instructions and use on dry hair (it says to only use on damp hair)
  • No sticky feeling at all, you can touch your hair and the curls remain in place
  • Not conventionally cheap but a bottle will last you ages
Carmex lip balm: £2.44
  • I had lip troubles recently and my lips were literally killing me.  This was my saviour.
  • It heals, softens, protects and all that jazz for less than a fiver..RESULT!
  • You can get it cheaper than £2.44, I swear to God I bought it in Tescos last Winter for £1
George at Asda nail polish in Raincloud: £1.00 (I had this a while before Charlotte blogged about it and have had a post about it in draft form for ages...damn my slow self)
  • CHEAP!
  • Colour pay off and chip resistant-ness of it rivals Nails Inc
  • I bite my nails and have been wearing this on one thumb (since I did the swatch for my other post) for a while, it didn't chip at all until I tried to bite my nail.  I'm very heavy handed so am joyous about this find AND the nail growth is going strong.
Boots Expert Senstive Soothing Eye Gel: £4.49
  • Moisturises the delicate area under your eyes PROPERLY (I find that some either over-egg the cake and leave me greasy to the touch and others do nada)
  • Gets rid of dark circles.  It doesn't claim to do this so I think Boots should put it on the packaging.  I've been using it haphazardly recently and it's made an improvement on my bags.  However, I don't have typical Asian dark circles so I can't speak for that but it has brought light to my life.  I only get dark circles when I haven't slept enough and it's man enough to deal with those.
  • Lasts ages
  • One note of caution, I had another Boots Expert eye cream and I kept it open for more than 6 months (that's what the little box said the expiry date was) and it started to smell like MDF..which is a random smell so I think I may try to finish this ASAP.
  • Brightens the eye area, I find that some creams which claim to brighten don't actually that, I can see a marked improvement under my eyes.  I think this is different to getting rid of dark circles, some creams get rid and leave the skin still a bit darker..this actually brightens.
YSL Gloss Repulpant Shiny Lip Plumper (shade 2: Plum): £15.00
  • Lasts ageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees, I've been using it practically every single day since last May and only now does it look like it's been used.
  • Moisturises lips like no other gloss I've used 
  • Colour is bright and glossy and as day wears on, it stays behind as a stain..RESULT
  • Nice minty smell, not overpowering at all
Boots No7 Eye shadow Blend and Contour Brush: £6.00 (I paid £1.00 because I had a voucher)
  • Fluffy but not overly so, lets you blend properly
  • Cheap even at full price
  • Hairs are white so you can see how much product you have on the brush
  • Perfect sized handle, easy to grip etc..
Anatomicals Help the Paw hand cream: £1.95
  • Smells like sweets
  • Above point could get a bit tedious (I had a Champneys hand cream which smelled like oranges and that scent started to wear thin after a week) but the smells gets less when you've rubbed the cream in
  • Soaks in immediately, you're not left leaving marks on everything you touch 
  • Hands actually feel moisturised
Boots Essentials Fragrance Free Eye Make Up Remover pads: £1.49
  • Greasy (which not everyone likes) so they take off all makeup effortlessly
  • Moisturising, the oil keeps my eyes moisturised and not dry which is very important
So, those are the products I'm currently in love with plus a more than comprehensive (can you get more than that?) list of why I love them so.

What products are you guys currently loving?


  1. I LOVE my tesco wipes - they are brill! Where did you get that L'Oreal product from for so cheap? x

  2. Une Tasse: My friend's uncle owns a chemist and he got a batch in which were without boxes so I got them for that much. Even if they were £10, I'd buy them as they last a long long time.

    Georgiexoxo: Thanks :) They're BRILLIANT. My HG ones used to be by Botanics but now these have trumped them..shame that I have 4 packets of Botanics to use up..Make sure you get those exact ones as the sensitive version of them cost 79p.

  3. damn i soo forgot about these wipes - needs me some, ima check if the tescos near work had any, otherwise ima have to wait till mid week (hopefully - i dont forget)

    myt i add i may give the asda polishes ago - was always skeptical about these

    no7 eyeshadow blending brush is cool, i like it, especially since it cost me a pound too :D

    Great post sweetz!!

  4. I love the title of this post! :D

  5. I caved and bought a 217... I love it, but I will still happily reach for the No7 ones when I can't be arsed to wash the 217.

    I want those face wipes now.

  6. It's amazing..none of the stuff ur using are unavailable here in India :) except for the Loreal techni art. I soo..want the carmex lip balm.
    Hey...i nominated u for an award! Check it out in my blog.


Thanks for your comments everyone! I do read each and every comment left and I try my best to answer any questions.

If you have a burning question and would like an in-depth/personal reply, feel free to email me at or and I'll reply as soon as I can. You can also tweet me (@rhamnousia84) but you'll need to be following me if you want a reply via DM.

A quick note to any companies who come across my blog: Please do not use my comments section as a way to advertise your website. If you'd like to feature your site on my blog then please get in touch by emailing me at
