
Monday, 31 January 2011

An alternative use for your foundation brush..

Ever since a makeup masterclass at a Benefit boutique, I've been using my Kabuki brush to apply my foundation and it has been a very happy union indeed...or it was, until I washed it and it shed around 90% of its hair.  I need to find another one as I'm not going back to my foundation brush.  Therein lies my second problem..  I have no use for my current foundation brush..

Lameting out loud as I always do, I told Simon about this sorry state of affairs.  His response was simple, use the foundation brush to apply face masks because I always "whinge" about getting them stuck under my nails.

I tried it and it worked brilliantly..the mask was on and my fingers were clean.  It was all an even depth so it dried at the same time.  I find it easier to squirt the mask onto the palm of my hand, dab the brush in it and stroke it across my face.

I remove my moisture giving masks with my fingers and my mud mask with my old Body Shop face brush.

Does anyone else "recycle" their brushes and use them for things they're not specifically made for? A friend of mine uses a concealer brush to put her highlights in..


  1. Ahh Simon, he knows some tricks huh, I use an old E.L.F foundation brush for that exact thing. It works a treat, you get such a good covering and it's true nails are mud mask free .

  2. Great idea!

    I do wish that more face masks would come in squeezy tubes though. They are so much easier to use that way.

  3. I always recycle my brushes! I love using my old foundation brush for fase masks! It goes on so neatly and evenly. Loveee <3

  4. This is a fab idea!

    Sarah x x


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