
Wednesday 3 February 2010

Rhamnousia's Recession Raves: Dabur Vatika Styling Hair Cream

Today's Recession Rave is a far cheaper and more effective (on me) alternative to the infamous Philip Kingsley Elasticizer.

My Recession Rave for today is...
 Dabur Vatika Styling Hair Cream

I am so glad that I bought this.  The instructions say to use it before washing your hair and to leave it on for a few minutes but I leave it on for about 20 minutes and it has, over time, totally changed my hair.  My hair is no longer frizzy and dry when I wash it.  It's nice and smooth and I know it's because of this product.  In texture it's like a normal conditioner but a bit more watery and you simply apply it to your hair as you would a deep conditioner and let it work..and boy, does it work. I've got no idea why it's called a hair styling cream when the instructions clearly say that you use it before you wash your hair and then you wash it out.

For the longest time I called it Kula because the Arabic font on the other side of the container looks like it says Kula..
It retails for about £2 and it was quite difficult to find.  I bought my first bottle two years ago and then I didn't find it again until last it to be the way that when I stock up, they have tonnes of stock left.


  1. I'm using Vatika Enriched Cocout Oil at the mo. The smell isn't the best but I've been told it's really good, so am sticking with it.

    They have Vatika produts stocked in my local Afro hair shop.

  2. OooO...I'm gonna search for this at my local shops. Great post!

  3. I've seen stuff like this in the local shops but never really tried it.. I tried some type of conditioner thing from Vatika YEARS ago and wasn't too impressed as it left my hair oily even after shampooing it tonnes of times but I'll give this a try,

  4. This look tempting. I have their henna shampoo and coconut oil and those have been good for my super dry hair so far.

  5. I love this product because it smells really perfume-y and the ingredient list is short, 5 ingredients


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