
Friday 5 February 2010

Review: Korres Vitamin E Face Primer

I don't have a very good success rate with face primers.  My friend gave me some samples of Smashbox primer and I didn't really like it.  It made my face feel furry and when someone took a picture of me it looked like the photo had been edited but only my face had been blurred.

I've been told in the past that my foundation is in actual fact a primer but it works as a foundation for me and when I put powder over it, the powder oxidised and made my forehead orange.

This is why I was pretty chuffed when I got to trial the Korres primer.  The Korres Pomegranate range is, I feel, perfect for my skin and I've sung the praises of the moisturiser for that range as it has become my HG of all moisturisers.

Anyway, better start reviewing..

The only pic of the post:
I didn't take a photo of the actual primer as it's just a white cream.

Actually, I lied, there's a list of ingredients too:
What do Korres promise? Basically, this: "This silky, fast-absorbing formulation acts as a layer, keeping skin elastic and comfortable, while offering smooth, long-lasting make-up application."

What did I find?
Firstly, I think I should add that I'm quite useless with primers, I never know how much to put on, how to blend it in etc..I found a really useful video and followed what it said (find it here).

I decided to test the primer out in rain, snow and extreme heat to see if it would hold up and I'm glad to report that it did.  It left my skin feeling matte and my foundation did stay on for a lot longer than it usually does.

You only need a really small amount, you smooth it on under your foundation and away you go.

I also discovered that if you don't wear foundation over the primer, you still get smoother looking skin both in pictures and when people see you face to face.

Does it do all it claims?
Silky: Yep.  Silky but then also not overly so, doesn't make you feel like you've got peach fuzz on your mush.
Fast absorbing: Yep. I waited around 10 minutes the first time I used it before adding foundation but you can start the foundation procedure in half the time.
Skin elastic and comfortable? Yep. When I was really cold, my skin didn't feel tight, the same was true when the conditions were really hot (I'm talking about really warm shops, unfortunately, I haven't been whisked off on holiday YET *dropping boulder like hints to the Mr or any of you who want to take me away)
Smooth, long lasting makeup? Yep. I can't really elucidate more on that apart from that it did exactly what it promised.

I can really see myself buying this.  It's not costly considering how much you use per day and the results it gives are the best I've ever seen from a primer.  Even when I went a bit OTT with it, it didn't give me fuzz face and it "took" the foundation very well, no patches at all.

Korres Vitamin E Face Primer retails for £19.50 and you can buy it here.

1 comment:

  1. This primer sounds really great. I think I should try it. Thanks for the review!


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