
Thursday 28 January 2010

The Quest for a New Moisturiser..

Those who follow me on Twitter will know that my Korres moisturiser was on its last legs recently.  It sadly finished a good two weeks ago.

I decided to go to Tescos and pick up some foody bits and I came across an oganic three piece for £1.  It was down from £8 so I assumed the ingredients would be pretty decent.  The packet contained a moisturiser, a mask and a cleanser.  I haven't used the mask and the cleanser but I have been using the moisturiser.  It worked pretty well for the first few days and it was like a cheaper version of my Korres moisturiser but I knew it wouldn't last because I could feel my skin getting greasy.  I checked the ingredients and there was pomegranate in the moisturiser so maybe that's my magic ingredient?  One thing I noticed was that my Korres moisturiser was 40g and this is 30g but this is taking an age to finish..

Anyway, the main problem with the moisturiser was the smell of it.  It smelled like fried foods, but then a bit of strawberry too? It was a pretty obvious smell and people could smell it when they stood near me.

Today, I've been to Superdrug and picked up these two babies:

I've wanted to use them for ages and I've recently noticed that I'm getting dark circles and that my eye area is feeling dry and taught so hopefully the eye cream works too!


  1. I have the eye cream and really like it, I haven't tried the moisturiser though as I really love the Vitamin E one Superdrug do - it's lush!

  2. Small Town Gal: Hey, welcome to my blog :)

    I've had a notorious history with the Vitamin E eyecream, mine had glitter in it so I've sworn off it as an eye cream for good! I haven't tried their facial moisturiser though.

    These two only cost me £2.99 all in, they're on offer in Superdrug. The moisturiser smells really nice

    Thanks for commenting


  3. I recently bought a pot of Vitamin E moisturiser from Asda, it was their own range and cost less than a £1 althought I can't remember the exact price! As far as basic mouisturisers go, it's pretty great. Exactly the right consistency and no fragrance aswell, but my all time fave has to be Avon's am to pm radiance moisturiser. Dead cheap and SO amazing.. After using that for a couple of nights it left my skin ..clear and radiant and even, leaving no need for foundation! x


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