
Sunday 31 January 2010

Matte nail polish for the masses...

Whilst I was on my online polish site stalk, I found the following on the Essie website:
It seems that Essie have decided to widen the market for matte nail varnishes.  I say this because had I not read blogs about nails, I wouldn't know the first thing about how to get matte nails.  I would have just assumed the polishes came in a matte tone,which is true..of a few.  However, there aren't may who don't read blogs that know about the matte top coats available. Thus, Essie currently have two shades (Chinchilly and Wickedly) which are being released with their own top coat, Matte About You.

Essie suggest how can you get full usage out of your new top coat:

Some of the designs seem a bit fiddly to me so I think I will stick with either a fully matte nail or a fully vinyl (?) nail.  Personally, I'm still in love with matte, seeing as I didn't get to try it on my nails (get over it!) but I feel that the more I see it online, the less in love with it I find myself.  If you want to try the designs, there's a PDF file here which shows you how to do it.

Will any of you guys be buying this or was matte polish just a flying fancy? Will you be trying the various new ways advocated by Essie in which to use your matte top coats or will you be sticking to the all over matte look?

All photos are from the Essie website.

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