
Thursday 3 September 2009

You lovely followers of mine!

I can't believe there are people out there who actually take the time to read and comment on my ramblings about beauty..30 of you beautiful people!

Thank you guys so much for doing this, it's nice to know that experiences of a fairly normal girl actually matter to others out there and that you guys make your feelings known.

I never thought I'd get 10 followers, let alone 30 of you :)

I'm quite happy about that in a self ego massaging way and I thought you lovelies deserved a blog post all for yourselves.

As a PS, is there anything out there that you would like to have reviewed? I have the following reviews/swatches in the pipeline:

*L'oreal Colour Riche Made for Me lippy in Dune
*Stila lipglazes in WOC friendly colours
*Olay Dermapods
*Ramblings about brushes

I think I'm also going to start posting TNOTD's as I have practically no fingernails and tonnes of really nice polishes which I use up on my tootsies, the first I think I will do is China Town by who else but Nails Inc.

Also, (last question, I promise) what do you guys think of the new layout? I searced for ages to find one which would fit my non conformist lefty stretch blog and I happened to like this pink one the best. OH pointed out to me last night that it was funny that my blog was all pinky and stuff when IRL I'm not at all a girly girl.


  1. The pink spots are a bit distracting, esp. with the white-coloured links.


  2. I got a bit annoyed of the dots this morning and have had my blog open in edit mode all morning and have just saved the changes.

    It shall stay like this for now I think :)



Thanks for your comments everyone! I do read each and every comment left and I try my best to answer any questions.

If you have a burning question and would like an in-depth/personal reply, feel free to email me at or and I'll reply as soon as I can. You can also tweet me (@rhamnousia84) but you'll need to be following me if you want a reply via DM.

A quick note to any companies who come across my blog: Please do not use my comments section as a way to advertise your website. If you'd like to feature your site on my blog then please get in touch by emailing me at
