
Thursday 3 September 2009

A Haul Lot of Goodies

I mentioned the title of this blog post to the man and he gave me a puzzled look which dashed all hopes I had of sounding witty or at the least, slightly funny. I quite liked it actually and it took me a while to think of it.

So, here's what I've hauled recently:

I have quite a few necklaces and I used to keep them on this thing:

They of course, got tangled and stuff and I never had time to find the right one because with me everything is a rush and I have no patience. I saw the gorgeous Bubblegarm post about how she organises her jewellery and was inspired to change mine. So I ended up buying this thing for the grand sum of £1 from the market:
It stores all my necklaces in it pretty easily and looks nice too which is always an added bonus.

Next we have my first ever MAC purchases, paintpots in Indianwood and Rubenesque. I bought these from a seller on Specktra and they were a bloody bargain. I haven't had a chance to use them yet but I will deffo be using them this weekend now that my brows have been sorted out.

This is the freebie which my mum got from the NoTW Nails Inc thing, the photo does it no justice, it's actually a pinky colour with a purple-y pearlescent thing going on. My mum has it on her toes and she is amazed it has stayed put for more than a week, no chips, nothing!

I'm a hoarder and I must admit I felt a bit silly going to the Boots counter holding four of these as I had no basket. Shove whatever you want in my basket (ooh er!) and I don't mind, holding things makes me feel like a glutton. Anyway, I LOVE LOVE LOVE these and as my liquid cleanser is nearly finished I thought it best to stock up. Boots have an offer on where you get a packet free every time you buy something for your face from the Botanics range. As these wipes are for your boat race, I bought two, got two free.

This is my favourite recent buy, I say mine, it was my parents who picked it up for me. Coming in at a grand total of £1 from Wheelhouse is this gorgeous jewellery box. IRL it looks really expensive but I just couldn't catch it on camera, plus it comes with paper! That middle section of cream is paper, not that annoying ring thing you get which is good for me as I have only two rings and those are always on my fingers anyway. I've stored my bracelets, anklets and earrings in this one. Funny how in the space of a week I've got all my jewellery pretty organised, go me!

I was reading (stalking) Yinka's blog and she mentioned she had bought a L'oreal lippy on the recommendation of another blogger (sorry I forget your name!) and that this lippy was perfect for all WOC's. I was a bit apprehensive but when I saw it for less than £4 all in on ebay, I snapped it up. It came, it is not half as dark as that photo shows, it's pretty light. I say it's kind of a dusky purple/plum colour (a colour which exists only in my mind I assume). I put it on and wasn't impressed. However, in photos it looks bloody perfick and I'm so glad I bought it. It looks as if I have nothing on my lips and that they are naturally this colour. RESULT!

I have also recently gone a bit Stila crazy after going to the sample sale and I picked up this lipglaze in Brown Sugar from ebay for about £2. It's not full size but it's become a handbag staple. I had a swatch photo but lost it so will add one later.

Last hauly thing is this Nails Inc polish which I got from the bay, it was about £2. My mum doesn't like the colour as it doesn't suit her skin but it suits mine fine so I've stolen it back from her, go me!

So, that's all my hauling as of late. Expect reviews/swatches of the stuff pretty soon along with some of my ramblings about brushes.

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