
Wednesday 9 September 2009

Review: Skin Therapy Eye Makeup Remover

This post is a mixture of a review and a rant about this product and my plans for the week.

My plans for the week were to do a new FOTD/EOTD every single day but this product has put paid to that.

Skin Therapy is available in Wilkinsons and they do a whole range of products for your face, I used to use the face wipes as they were nice and wet, then, as is often the story of my life, Wilko's decided to change the formula and these wipes no longer work on me as they're too dry.

I'm also currently on my "use everything up before buying new" kick and after my last batch of Boots eye makeup remover pads finished I decided to use the dregs of Vaseline which I had left from my days at college. That finished and so I bought this from Wilko's. It was not my first choice, the only reason I chose it was because I forgot to buy some in the 'Drug.

It retails for 97p but that's 98p too much. I have never had much success with liquid/cream eye makeup removers, I once bought a Neutrogena one which I'm sure gave me blurry vision and made me a bit blind (er). I thought this would be different but how wrong was I.

I did a semi EOTD on Monday (basic eyeshadow and mascara) and this JUST about took the eyeshadow and mascara off, I had no UDPP on.

Yesterday I went all out and decided to wear UDPP, a highlight colour, a main brow colour, a crease colour and an under brow highlighter. Come the end of the day I went to take it off with the remover.

WHAT.A.NIGHTMARE. The remover took everything off in layers, I could see the top colours coming off, then the base colour and then the UDPP. To make matters worse, it smudged my eyeshadow and mascara around my eyes and left some of the shimmery particles on my eyebrow. Also, when I followed the instructions and some got in my eye, it stung like hell! In the end I had to put it on my finger and rub my lid to get stuff off. Luckily, I had my HG Botanics cleansing wipes on hand and they got rid of everything the "remover" had left behind.

I think it's quite obvious that I won't be buying this again, here I was hoping it would be a cheapo fix and that it would actually work but I'm sad to report that this wasn't the case and that I shall be going back to my Boots remover pads. I don't know if I will try the Botanics remover which everyone loves as maybe I just can't get on with liquid removers?

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