
Tuesday 15 September 2009

Review: MAC paint pot in Indianwood

I bought this from a seller on Specktra for the grand sum of £6 and I fell in love with it the day it came through the post. I was itching to try it on that very day but when your brows are growing out the last thing you want to do is bring attention to them.

I applied some UDPP and then the paintpot on top of it and I must say that the jury is still out. On one hand the colour is gorgeous and it looks really nice IRL but in the photographs I took it looks like it has settled into my eye creases. My current HG neutral shade is Heather Mauve Shimmer Wash by Bobbi Brown but with that you can still see my natural lid colour peaking through but I've only tried it without UDPP so it might be different with it.

Application is a bit tricky if you're a noob like me. Firstly, it's a solidy wet eyeshadow and so a normal eyeshadow brush won't do much. I was advised to use a stiff MAC brush but the only stiff brush I have is a Bobbi Brown eyeliner brush so I used that and it worked out pretty ok. The brush became really soft with the product on it so I may retry with the new brush and see if that holds up. I've been out and bought a stiff brush from Boots with my money off voucher and it works pretty well, it's a dupe for a Bobbi Brown brush so look out for a post on that soon.

The only issue I had was that it applied a bit unevenly but that's easy to fix, just swipe the colour more one way with the first bit of colour you put on and the other way with the second bit of colour.

Here's the picturey part:

Both eyes:
This is how my eyes look IRL if you were to see me.

As you can see I should have dragged out the application on both lids but I didn't' but at least they look uniform in that respect. The paint pot creased with UDPP under it but I think that can be solved by applying a bit more UDPP. As I said, IRL you can't tell the difference and the colour is a really nice subtle shimmer improvement on my lids.

I would rebuy this but I think this pot will take ages to use up as it's not a powder and non powders take me longer to use, I've used to crap out of my Bobbi Brown gel liner and there's still tonnes left in it. The problem of creasing can be solved by using more UDPP and application will improve with the new brush I have.

On another note, there won't be as many blog updates coming from me in the future as I'm back at work now and I have two major cases to work on, both have been in the news recently and my line of work doesn't let me say the name of the companies but those of you who know what I do will soon be able to figure it out.

My next review will be on anatomicals, a range I've wanted to try for ages :)


  1. That's gorgeous! I've only ever used powder shadows on my eyes, but you're inspiring me! I don't know if you've already tried.. but I'd try using it as a base itself and then layering some complementary powder shade ontop to enhance and hopefully set?

  2. Hey,

    I don't think I will use it as a base itself because I think it needs some UDPP under it but I think next time I will put powder over the top, I wonder if translucent powder would help..

    If you want to try non powder on your eyes, I'd suggest the shimmer washes from Bobbi Brown, I love them and they stay on my lids all day without UDPP which is great.

    The last point in this essay is about paint pots in general, everyone says that they don't all work the same and I didn't believe it. I have Indianwood and Rubenesque and they are both different finishes. Rubenesque needs a LOT of work from me to make it work so I think I will keep it as a base as opposed to a shadow as I can do with Indianwood.

    Thanks for commenting and reading this essay like reply!



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