
Monday 28 September 2009

Review: L'oreal Telescopic Explosion mascara

Firstly, I’d just like to say that this month has been VERY review heavy on my behalf and there haven’t been near as many FOTD’s from me as I would have hoped. This is all going to change next month as I’m embarking on my face chart mission and I will be putting up at least ONE face a week from the Urban Decay face charts.
Now with the review..
This is going to be a really quick post about this mascara which I’m sure everyone has seen or at least heard of. I originally bought this mascara on the way home from work one day and then decided to return it as I saw and broke a tester model. In my defence I just touched it and the head rolled off.
That’s enough of my criminal damage antics for now...I returned that mascara and bought two Prestige ones which have been reviewed here already.
Fast forward a good few months and I find I’ve won a L'oreal goody bag which contains the aforementioned mascara.
I decided to test it out today and the result are not good.
The pictures will help me explain the point a bit better:
The tubing:
Many apologies for the cackhanded photo, not too sure what happened there. The tube is quite nice in that the shape is conical in nature and I like that, looks like it's eyeliner instead of mascara.
The brush:
I liked this because if you just use the tip, you get no mess on your lids. Be warned though, if ANY part of the brush which has the big black square around it, touches your lashes, it's clump city..
The eyes:
It looks as if the mascara has smeared my lids a bit but sadly that's not the case and my lids look like that naturally, boo! I swear I'm the only one who suffers from that ailment in the whole word.
Good points
The colour is a nice shiny black, it's the colour the Stiletto promised it would be
The lengthening effect is palpable, it's one of the best lengthening ones I've used
It's very easy to use, for those of you who get messy eyelids from conventional mascaras, this is a god send as it didn't mess my lids up at all

Bad points
Only lengthens and I want thickening so I may layer it up
It doesn't get into the roots AT ALL, the way you see my lash roots is the way they are without the mascara
Getting anything other than the tip on your lashes causes clumping and makes the mascara apply unevenly
Lashes feel very hard and clumpy

I don’t think I will buy this as I don’t really look for lengthening mascaras on their own, I have to say that I am quite impressed with how long they looked in the mirror but it’s still a no as it’s rather pricey for me. If it was about £4.00 then I would buy it but I wouldn’t spend £8.80 on it. If you want a purely lengthening mascara then you won’t be sorry buying this one as it does do that. Also, the packaging mentions fanned out lashes, this mascara gives you this so if you want wide looking eyes then purchase it. I, however, am fine with what I have, I think I may team it up with a thickening mascara and see what becomes of it.


  1. I think it looks quite good!! I have never come across a mascara that does both lengthening and thickening REALLY well, so I always layer up if I want proper drama. At the moment... 2000 Calorie/Voluminous for thickening and Sexy Curves/Lash Architect for lengthening - will there ever be an all round awesome mascara? Don't care if it can't curl.

  2. Thanks sweets, IRL it looks..not as nice.

    The only mascara I've found that lengthens and thickens up to my standards is the Colossal and My Biggest Lash but then I'm a picky bugger.

    Funny that my mum swears by BadGal though and I hate it.

    I've also never seen the point in curling my lashes really as I can't tell a difference either way


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