
Monday 28 September 2009

Face charts/How to get the look

I never knew how people managed to emulate the makeup looks from collections by companies until I was made aware of these magical things called face charts. Now I've been on Specktra for a little while now and I always see people produce knockout looks and I was bemused as to how some of these people achieved them. That's not saying that everyone relies on face charts, many of the stellar looks I've seen are based on pure imagination.

Face charts are illustrated beautifully by the face chart link up there, they are basically a drawing of a face "coloured in" with products which have been used to achieve a certain look. Now face charts are well known to people who love makeup and do a lot of FOTD's etc but outside of that world I don't think many people know they exist. I only found out they existed when I saw them on Specktra and I was amazed by them.

I've decided to do a series of FOTD's which are directly copied from looks championed by Urban Decay. I found the face charts for the looks on Sara's magnificent blog (thanks Sara!) and I have saved them onto my desktop.

The first look which I intend on doing is this one because I LOVE the intensity of the colour and now I know how to get it so watch out for it.

I hope the look turn out ok and that I manage to translate the looks over successfully to Indian skin so that other women of colour are able to copy the looks as well.

It will be quite a challenge as I have forgotten my Box of Shadows II at my parents' house and have only three shades with me here (Foxy, Chopper and Illegal) so I will be doing the look with dupes and hopefully it will work out ok, fingers crossed!

It appears that the face chart link above doesn't let you click on it so I've uploaded these:


  1. Face charts are so amazing. I design them and then keep them in a book. Could you open the blank one on specktra though? I couldn't and I'd love a MAC one to design on!

  2. I just tried now and I couldn't open it but there were some posts in the thread that suggested "fitting to page" when you go to print, so just save it as it is and then fiddle with it when you want to print it.

    HTH, I'm going to try and find a blank one for you


  3. yay! Im glad you find them useful! I love them too! they are so inspiring for me too! Make me put colors together I never thought about before~ Cant wait to see your re creations!


  4. Thank you so, so much for posting them here that's great! :)


  5. Sara: I've been trying to think how I could do that look since I saw it on the UD site but thanks to your gorgeous self, now I know. I think I will attempt it over the course of the weekend.

    Georgie: No problem at all hun, I just searched on Google and they were more common than I thought!

    Thanks for commenting ladies


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