
Wednesday 6 May 2009

Review: YSL Teint Parfait Shade 7

This is my current HG foundation as it works a charm on me.

I don't need a heavy foundation as my skin is in pretty good condition so this primer/foundation is just the ticket.

Blends in very nicely
Easy to apply with fingers
Practically foolproof
Makes my skin look dewy without making me look greasy

Expensive? Well it's £25 but it does last an AGE and actually matches my skin colour.

I would buy this foundation until the end of time but unfortunately I can't seem to find it anywhere! I've checked quite a few department stores and also online but they seem to have stopped making this particular shade which has upset me no end. This was my first high end foundation and I do love it, I may have to try out Bobbi Brown/MAC to see if they have anything this lightweight..

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