
Sunday 26 April 2009

Introductory whatnots


I go on about makeup a lot I 've realised so I've made this side blog so I can write about it all in one place.

I'm not really sure what people should expect from this, just more ramblings I suppose but about makeup.

I may even chuck in the odd review if I feel like it..I may even write one up now whilst waiting for American Dad to start..


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. welcome to the blog world :)
    I am looking forward to reading your posts :)


Thanks for your comments everyone! I do read each and every comment left and I try my best to answer any questions.

If you have a burning question and would like an in-depth/personal reply, feel free to email me at or and I'll reply as soon as I can. You can also tweet me (@rhamnousia84) but you'll need to be following me if you want a reply via DM.

A quick note to any companies who come across my blog: Please do not use my comments section as a way to advertise your website. If you'd like to feature your site on my blog then please get in touch by emailing me at
