
Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Review: Fade Out Protecting Day Cream SPF15

There has always been something "good" about being light skinned in the Asian/black community.  All the Indian and black people know what I mean.  I remember being in my first year of uni and looking at a black hair magazine that had a feature about women who had bleached their skin and burnt themselves.  It was horrible.  I also remember being younger (about seven or eight) and being told that my skin was too dark.  

I was made to use that disgusting Vicco Turmeric cream which is something that not many non-desi people know about.

Vicco Turmeric is hell encased in an orange and yellow tube.  It's a yellow cream that contains a high level of turmeric (hence the name) and you're meant to use it on your face so as to lighten your skin colour.  Of course, it's not sold like that, it's sold as an ointment you can put on burns and the like.

It bloody stank so there was no way I was going to wear it to school so I'd have to wear a Vicco mask for about 40 minutes every Friday night...which is a very rock n roll way to spend your Friday nights, I've heard that Mick Jagger did the same throughout the 70's.

It never made my skin any lighter.  Many years later, I woke up and my skin was just lighter.


I was offered a sample of Fade Out's Protecting Day Cream (SPF 15) and I accepted because I have a pigmentation marks on my cheek which I don't really want there.
My mum used to use this cream before and all I remember of it was the horrible stench it gave off.  It literally smelled of garlic and onion.

The initial whiff of the new one is not the same, it has quite an old school scent to it, a bit like the old rose perfume that grandmas wear.

Having said that, the onion and garlic smell is all to apparent as you get on with your day.  I smelt it constantly for the few days of wearing it but you get used to it after a few days.

The packaging is still the same as it was, I think the jar is ceramic?  The photo on the right can be clicked on and made larger so you can see the benefits of using this cream..

My skin is combination so I tend to get a greasy nose and forehead if my moisturiser is too heavy for my skin.  This cream didn't exacerbate my greasiness and that it was quite a light, yet also moisturising cream.  It also sunk in really quickly.

Does it work?
In short, yes.

I'm a bit confused as the cream isn't marketed as making your skin lighter but the blurb on the bottle says that it will do this..

Don't buy this expecting to change five shades of colour overnight because that's not what happens.  I'm writing this review as I go along and I am currently in my second week of testing it and the patches on my cheeks have become lighter/smaller.

It did sort my pigmentation marks out.  It is now four weeks after my cream finished and the marks have still not made a comeback so I do believe that it works.

I haven't been using an eye cream whilst trialling this product.  The reason for this is simple, this cream has managed to sort my dark circles out.  I mentioned before that I don't have typical Indian dark circles.  I only get darkness when I haven't had enough sleep and the darkness fades when I do get enough sleep.  Having said that, getting enough sleep isn't really easy when you have a hectic workload so it's nice to see that this cream has been making a difference.

Fade Out do also make a night cream, a day cream without SPF and an eye cream.  As all my eye creams have finished, I'll be picking up their eye cream next.

This retails for £9.18 and can be bought from both Boots and Superdrug.  Superdrug don't have it online but I have seen it instore.


  1. Well the garlic and onion smell is paying off for something. It's good that your seeing pay off with the discolouration. I had quite a bit of discolouration this year from acne but now that's under control I've been able to focus on the discolouration - I say focus as now staring in the mirror .. I've not got much as of late.

    Yet I'll be sure to take a note of this product for future reference I have combination skin too so it's good to know this cream doesn't mess with that.

    Great review { did I ramble ? lol }

  2. Wow, that sounds interesting! My MiL has developed pigmentation marks on her nose that are upsetting her, and I promised to help her find something to help sort them out. I might buy her some of this to get in her good books! x

  3. LaaLaa: It must be doing something! It's just an odd smell for something to smell off..if it's not garlic or onion.. But yep, it really does work. Didn't sting me or anything as I thought it might do.

    I've had this discolouration on my face for ages that I just got used to it, not thinking anything would work but this did!

    And it's my blog, you KNOW you're allowed to ramble on here!

  4. The Postcolonial Rabbit: The mark I had was quite bad, you could see it in photos and stuff, I think I only got it because I used to always rest my head on my face at school..

    The mark went within a few weeks so it really does work well. I'm going to try the eye cream next but it seems a bit silly if I review it as I don't have typical dark circles.

  5. i just brought it yesterday and i'm hoping it will lighten and even out my skintone :) and yes your right about theres something good about being light skinned in some communities. In the African/Caribbean community being light skin is seen as more beautiful. I experienced being made fun of because my skin is darker.

  6. i started using fade out night and day cream and after the third day of use it burnt my skin,
    so please be careful.

  7. great review, awesome post!!! i just bought fade out and was looking for reviews about it, luckily i bumped into your blog. following ur blog its so cool.

  8. I have also purchased this cream and its my 2nd week also, so inshallah there will be improvement, i have dark marks on my face after having spots. It was really bugging me and my confidence. Hopefully il be happy with my skin after.

  9. Just come across your review. I am a MAC make up artist and am concerned that Fade out is being used for skin lightening. Yes you can 'fade' pigmentation from acne and scars however it is to be used carefully as it thins the skin itself. Ask someone that does laser or knows more about skin layers etc. Thinning the skins is not good!

  10. African guy here in my late twenties. Developed bad acne during my teenage years which literally wrecked my face. Acne now under control but aftermath of scaring is still apparent. Burnt looking dark patches around both cheeks and eyebrow area.

    Just bought this product yesterday for £9.18 in Boots(Sunday August 26th) upon my GP's recommendation. Will be interesting to see if this works but highly skeptical due to the simple fact that I've literally tried every prescription/non prescription products under the sun (except laser treatment) without much success. Will post again in 4 weeks for feedback.

    PS: Anonymous#1 comments above is very disconcerting. :-(


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