
Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Spending Sterling v Preserving Pounds: An introduction.

Spending Sterling v Preserving Pounds is something new that I'm doing on this blog.

It's quite simple but you know me, I have to give things fancy names.

It's a series of posts which compares two similar products on differing sides of the budgetary scale.

The first post is coming along soon so keep your eyes peeled..I've also used all my photo editing nouse to come up with this:
I know you're all super impressed!


  1. Love it, I hate wasting money!

  2. I can't wait! I love battles between products ;) x


Thanks for your comments everyone! I do read each and every comment left and I try my best to answer any questions.

If you have a burning question and would like an in-depth/personal reply, feel free to email me at or and I'll reply as soon as I can. You can also tweet me (@rhamnousia84) but you'll need to be following me if you want a reply via DM.

A quick note to any companies who come across my blog: Please do not use my comments section as a way to advertise your website. If you'd like to feature your site on my blog then please get in touch by emailing me at
