
Thursday 17 March 2011

The Mother's Day Gift Guide!

Mums..we all have them..they all drive us mad.  My mum's chosen way of driving me mad is something that she has only recently started doing.  She says something in English or Punjabi and then repeats it in the other if I've somehow forgotten how to speak either.  Another thing she used to do that wound me up no end was whinge at me when she was pissed with my brothers..and then whinge at me when she was pissed at does that work?!  And when I ask her why she does it, I'M the bad guy!

Despite all the moods your mum throws your way, she's the only one you have and she's the only one who wiped your backside when you were little and wiped your tears when bastards broke your heart.  And she's the only person who still falls for the puppydog eyes when you go to visit her after a long day at work..the eyes that compel her into making you something really nice to eat.  I'm a daddy's girl and my puppy dog eyes stopped working on my dad when I was 18.  Plus, she's the only mum you have so come Mother's Day, she deserves something nice.

I think Mother's Day, birthdays and Christmas are all about getting people a present..something that is a treat...not something that is practical.  What would you rather receive as a present, perfume or a Travelcard? Exactly. we go..
  1. Vital Oils Candle Bliss: £8.95
  2. Vital Oils Candle Comfort: £8.95
  3. Vital Oils Candle Harmony: £8.95

Mums are well known for stealing your makeup and skincare items and mine is not any different.  She's not a cowardly thief either.  She takes things that she knows I'm using and when I ask her always denies it and then a few months down the line, she comes to the flat and shows me what she "found" at home.  That's why I'm taking her out to buy what ever skincare she likes but knowing my mum, she'll still pinch the things I have!
  1. Mother's Day Gift: £30.00
  2. Superskin Beauty Treat: £71.00
  3. 5 of the Best: £59.75

For the mums who love their lotions and potions and love nothing more than having a long soak in the bath.  My mum is one of those mums, she takes about five weeks in the bath at any given time.
  1. Steam Cream Soleil: £8.75
  2. RITUALS Hanami Heaven Milky Bath Oil: £8.05
  3. RITUALS Violet and White Lily EDP: £34.90
  4. RITUALS Sakura Scrub: £9.03 
  5. Dreamy Bathing Roses: £2 (available from Tesco)

So there we have it..something for every kind of mum out there!  Is anyone getting their mum something extra special? Let me know!

1 comment:

  1. These are excellent ideas! That steam cream is so pretty.


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