
Saturday, 6 November 2010

My first foray into mineral blusher..featuring ELF.

This wasn't originally going to feature on here..which brings me to something that someone said to me the other day.  I got an email from someone (some seems to be quite a popular word in this paragraph) who asked me if I blogged about everything I owned.  In short, I don't..I don't think anybody does because that would bore the pants off of me.  I have a lot of makeup that never makes it onto here.

This beauty however, was deemed worthy enough. 

I've always wanted to order items from ELF but my one "justification" product was never in stock.  It still isn't. 

This blusher is really nice..although a bit fiddly. I figured out a way to use it which results in minimal mess.  I turn it upside down, give it a tap and then turn it the right way up.  Open the lid and there is enough on there for me to squizz my brush around a bit.  My Revlon blush brush is a perfect fit.

The photo above was taken on an overcast day but the colour is true to life.  It is highly pigmented which is nice for such a budget buy and it works well against my skin colour.  I find it perks my skin up on days when I should have known better and exfoliated the night before.  I categorise blushes into two categories, the first being blushers that are obvious..colours that let people KNOW you're wearing a blush..then you get these, the not-so-obvious natural cheek enhancers.  On a day to day basis, you can't tell I have it on but people notice when I'm not wearing it.

I can't recommend this blusher enough, I really want to try Coral and Rose but they're out of stock so I'll have to wait until they come back into stock.  The ease of application, durability during the day (I touch my face a lot and it stays put) and pigmentation alone make it more than worthy of the £3.50 you spend on it.


  1. that blush is so so pretty and I'm so weary of using loose powder blushes but this one is actually gorgeous! and you can write about whatever you want, it's your blog at the end of the day and plus, other like myself discover new products! like this one :D

    and thank you so much for your sweet comment, I'm so glad you found the tutorial useful
    much love


  2. tat blush looks beautiful.I dont think we have elf blushes in here. they r yet to launch it.

  3. That's such a gorgeous soft shade :3

    I only have one loose mineral blush, because I personally can't stand loose blushes. I'm fine with using loose eyeshadows, but blushes drive me nuts XD it's a Maybelline one in True Peach and it's so gorgeous but ugh I hate using it.

  4. So does the container have a sticker over the holes? I keep trying to remember the advice from EnkoreMakeup's Koren- he recommends to leave the sticker on, and pop a few (like 3-4)holes with a needle so you won't have to deal with a such a big powdery mess. I want to try this blush.

  5. Anca: I was hero worshipping you that night because my eyes looked fab thanks to you. No problem at all hun, I really liked the older posts you did.

    Indianmakeupways: When they do, buy it! I was surprised at how good it was because I thought the pigment would be lacking but it's worked every time I've used it.

    SilhouetteScreams: I'm the same! I have a L'oreal loose mineral eyeshadow which is a nice colour but I never use it because of the mess, I didn't think chemicals were included in pressing..pressing pigments doesn't seem to be too difficult so why aren't there pressed mineral eyeshadows..or are there? :S

    mmh73: It does, it's not too messy if you use my method and it also saves you time (from clearing things up afterwards). It's really nice, you can layer it and thus build up more colour if you want.

  6. This looks so pretty. I like the concept of mineral blushes and I find the colours "softer" than normal ones but they're so fiddly!

  7. The colour is really nice, looks like it'd be really nice and natural looking. However, the little hairs just look wrong lol...I know it's not your face so I can say it! Lol!


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