
Thursday, 21 October 2010

Review: Origins Clear Improvement Mask

I have never found the one mud/clay mask that I like.  I used to like Superdrug's own one but after a while that made me itch like mad.  I had the Liz Earle one and that didn't really do anything.  It didn't cause me any adverse reaction but it didn't do me any good, either.

I bought this when I reeling from the pain of John Lewis not having my ice cream maker in stock.

I told the SA's that I wanted a mud mask that dried properly on my skin so that I felt it had some benefit.  They assured me it would.

I asked whether it would peel and they told me it wouldn't, but that it would come off without you having to put more water on.  That is my major gripe with some mud masks, they don't dry properly and you have to put water on the get them off.  They should just flake off with a face brush..

Anyway, I traipsed off home deciding that I would use it in the evening.

I didn't..mainly because X Factor was on and I left my bag downstairs and couldn't be bothered to go back down and get it.

I have used it about 5 times since I've had it and without any bias towards the brand at all, I can wholeheartedly say that this is the mask I wanted.

It dries rock solid..I use it when I'm wearing my lens and it stays on me for about 30 minutes or so.  You can leave it on for less time but 30 minutes works best for me.

The colour changes as it dries so can look in the mirror and know when you can start removing it.  When I remove it, it comes away easily with the aid of a face brush.

This photograph was taken when I'd used it a few times and it still looks pretty full.  I use a thin layer and that works really well.

When it's off, it leaves my skin physically looking radiant and very clean.  I never expected a mask like this would do that.  My skin feels soft and I don't feel the need to use a toner to get rid of any residue as there isn't any.

Some mud masks smell a bit funny but this has no tangible smell to it..I also find that the Superdrug one can be a bit watery..this is not like that. 

It retails for £17.00 and can be bought from here.

Which mud/clay masks do you swear by? Are there any decent High Street ones out there?


  1. I love this mask too! I really had no luck with masks until I came across this one and one by Rivage which is a dead sea mud mask. They are both awesome :)

  2. I love queen Helene mint julep mask, its good for acne prone skin and really dries out spots etc...Im going to try out Neals Yard WHite tea enriching mask since the weathers turned =D

  3. this sounds good, tho iv been in total awe with my Eve Lom Rescue mask ever since i first tried it back in 2009 - damn time jus seems to fly!

  4. i love this one too <3 am using up my third tube of it soon ^_^

  5. I find Origins so expensive. I want to use their Charcoal body scrub but I'm afraid I will be disappointed and it won't be rough enuff. What should I do?

  6. Glitterish Allsorts: I really really like this, it's the only one that clears my pores and doesn't leave me with a face that's about to crack. Rivage? I'm off to research it!

    Imo: Where can you buy that Queen Helene mask from? I've never found it anywhere here! I always want to try Neals Yard and they have an actual store in Westfields but I always forget to go there when I go.

    Amina: I have heard of Eve Lom but haven't really seen many reviews of her products, you should do one!

    Jennifer: How long do you think it lasts you? I don't see it finishing for ages!

    Skin Scrubs: You could ask for a small sample, they're good like that. Their products sometimes seem expensive at first glance but I had their Ginger body scrub (I got it for Xmas) and it lasted me up until August and I was always very generous with it. Also, I can honestly say that Origins is the only brand where every product I have used has worked..without fail.

  7. sounds interesting! I will try sometime :) I like my liz earle deep cleansing mask. It has clay and manuka honey. I even use it to treat spots overnight and it works wonders.

  8. I love mud masks but am a bit wary of trying the cheapo superdrug ones. This one looks really good though.

  9. Shifa: I have that one too but I find it didn't do anything for my skin, it didn't feel cleaner afterwards or anything..well, it felt cleaner but just really greasy.

    Une tasse: If I could say one thing about the Superdrug mud masks, it would be AVOID. Have you tried the Botanics ones? Apparently they're quite good.


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