
Tuesday 12 October 2010

The quest for a matte black eyeshadow

I've recently started using a black shadow in my crease because I've noticed how flat just using one shadow to work makes my eyes look.

I add a bit of black just on the edge of the crease and it gives my eye a shape which I am more than happy with.

However, I need a matte shadow to do this with.  I have been using one shadow (which isn't matte) so much that it has now hit pan and I have a reason (not an excuse!) to buy a matte shadow.  I thought that this shadow was matte, it looks matte in the pan but when you swatch it, you.see.glitter.

I have another shadow by Stila which is also black but even in the pan, you can see massive glittery bits in it.  That's fine for times when I want to vamp it but not even I can go to work looking like I've channelled my inner Kim Kardashian.

I've tweeted about this and have had suggestions which vary from NYX to Beverley Knight..I'm a bit iffy about these as I want to be able to swatch the shadow first and NYX don't sell openly here and BK..well, I'm not too sure what is going on with that brand.

This is where you guys come in, which black matte shadows do you swear by?  What are your experiences with black matte shadows? Are they usually pigmented or should I just settle for a shadow with a little shimmer because a good matte black shadow doesn't exist? 

Help me!!!!!


  1. as an urban decay junkie, i'd recommend "perversion", a matt black.. but i've only got it in palettes i've bought, not sure if it comes as a single shadow!

  2. yep it comes alone:

    and u get free delivery (and points) if you got a beauty club card


  3. There's always MAC "Carbon" for a good, matte black.

  4. I use a matte black by mary kay and it's awesome :) no glitter whatsoever and i even use it to fill in my dark eyebrows. check it out!


  5. Buy any Sleek palette - the matte black shades in there are amazing, and you get twelve shades for only £5.99. They're /crazily/ pigmented. Or, go to Superdrug and look at their MUA range - their matte black is good and it's only a pound. Lol those are my cheapy offerings :P Urban Decay's Black Palette has a matte black (and five other GORGEOUS shades) but that's like £23, I think, and limited edition. Hope this helps!

  6. Agreed on the Sleek palette. You get an array of colours for 5 quid!

  7. I'd say one of the Sleek palettes too, I really don't see the point in MAC Carbon when there are other great matte blacks out there for less.

    You can buy NYX off a couple off websites and I think some House of Fraser stores too if you want to go for that one.

  8. Um my two favorites are mac carbon and the black from the sleek palette - I may be imagining this but in some palettes seem blacker than other, my chaos paltette seems a lot darker than other - this however may just be a figment of my imagination....

  9. As a lot of other people have said the sleek palettes (defo the original and storm) have a matte black.

    I duno how helpful this is but I have a matte black from 17. I'm not entirely sure its still available though. Thats just a cheap and cheerful option if you like :)

    Zahra xx

  10. I agree with Nicola - the black in my Acid palette pales in comparison with the one from my Circus palette! (limited edition, don't know if it's still around).

  11. hey gurlie let me save u a tenner (or watever a mac shadow costs these days)

    U own a sleek palette right?? that is one hell of an intense black, and its right there, wat u waitin for> give it ago hun :) ull love it!

  12. Try MUA , superdrugs you cant go wrong for a pound, its is very pigmented. x

  13. MAC Carbon black....hands down

  14. I think Model's Own has a matte black e/s and its for 5 pounds i think.


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