
Saturday 2 October 2010

Product I buy again and again: Boots Essential Eye Make-up Remover Pads

I LOVE these.

They're a bit oily but I think that's better than them being too dry and you can always take the oil off with a tissue or cleansing wipe.

They cost about £1.50 and you get 40 pads in one container.

They last me about a month or so and considering the price, I would say they're more than worth it.

I don't get on with liquid removers and these pads remove everything, from pencil on my waterline to stubborn waterproof mascara.

They have never irritated me or given me any sort of adverse reaction.

I have been using them for a good few years now and although I may go to other products from time to time, I always come back to these.

In other news, you may have heard me going a bit mad on Twitter because I was unable to find the Boots No7 matte topcoat ANYWHERE. I looked in Boots of varying sizes and found it nowhere.  Then I turned to the refuge that is ebay and found that someone was selling it on there, I picked up a brand new bottle for the princely sum of £2.49.
I can't wait to try this over some glitter.  Do you think it will work over glitter? I have the sneaking suspicion that it might just go murky in the gaps between the glitter.  BUT!! I have a plan for that, I'm going to try it over Disco Mix by Models Own because that deepens as the days go on.  So, the plan is, whack on Disco Mix, wait a while and then add this topcoat and see what it does.


  1. Oh these pads sound very nice and they're cheap too! :) Great bargain!

  2. Great bargain finds, it's good when you find something that works and it doesn't cost a lot. I got a Topshop matt topcoat which works well. I like the effect over glitters and metallics as it knocks back the sparkle slightly when I fancy something different.

  3. you should've got the ELF one! x


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