
Sunday, 19 September 2010

EOTD: Golden Brown..texture like sun

I do love that song..despite it being about something not very wholesome..

This is a very glitter heavy look and I wouldn't wear it anywhere bar a desi function where you can get away with it.  I have also started taking my photos in the bathroom and I think the lighting in there is a lot better.  What do you think? Stay in the bathroom or go back to the bedroom?

There is no skill as to how I did it, just a copious amount of blending the base shadow all over the lid, the eyelid shade over the inner half of the eye and the crease shade all over the crease area.  I'm also not wearing mascara but I did use the contour brush to push black eyeshadow into my lashes which made them look a lot thicker.  It doesn't look too spectacular here but if you copy it you will see how bling-tastic it is.  My camera seems to be failling me so I'm on the lookout for a new one.

Since doing this look, I have been working pretty long days at work and as I rub my eyes a lot when I'm tired, I've started using the black shadow in lashes trick as it makes my lashes look thicker and allows me to rub my eyes without making me look like a panda.

ETA: I just noticed how messy my palette looks, I should clean it..


  1. Love it! It makes your eye look so sexy! ;) xx

  2. GORGEOUS!!! You have wonderful eyes.

  3. Ugh so pretty <3 I love coppery gold shades

    And I like your photos here. So stick with the bathroom!

  4. Wow - just found your blog, how ace are you at applying eye shadow! I suck. I need some serious lessons. xxx


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