
Sunday 12 September 2010

Batiste have some serious competition

Having thick, curly hair which I straighten is sometimes a problem.

My hair takes ages to wash and properly dry..and that's even before I can think about straightening it.

I usually get home from work at about 6 or 7 in the evening and by the time I've relaxed and even think about washing my hair, it's about 9..then my hair will take a good few hours to dry.

This is why dry shampoo is a Godsend.

I religiously use Batiste as I find it works well with my hair.  I just use the bog standard one as it doesn't make my hair look grey (although some have complained about this and Batiste have listened and bought out versions for ladies with darker hair who have this problem).  By the by, I've seen many reviews on Batiste Nude but haven't been able to find it ANYWHERE, boo!

Then I read this post and was intrigued..I never even knew Superdrug did their own version of dry shampoo, the only dry shampoo I ever saw in Superdrug was by Samy..which I'm sure has been discontinued as I haven't seen it in store for ages.

Another reason why I love this is the scent.  Everyone and their mum knows what Batiste smells like and they can figure out in a second that you're a dirty mare who hasn't washed her hair..and I'm poet and I don't know it!

The Superdrug version smells very strongly when you put it on but the smell soon fades but lingers (very lightly) throughout the day.  When I first had it on, I kept catching a whiff of it all through the day and couldn't figure out what the smell was.

The actual shampoo which is sprayed out is a lot finer than Batiste, you can't really see it on your hair which is brilliant as combing out is easy.

I really like this and it works well enough for me to either switch from Batiste or pick it up in a case of emergency.  Hair emergencies are real emergencies I tell you!

Compared to Batiste, I find that this absorbs oil just as well but then also leaves a little shine behind whereas Batiste takes the grease and goes, leaving your hair totally matte.

They had two variants in store but the other one didn't smell as nice as this so I chose this one.

It retails for less than £2 which is another reason why I loves it.  I still love Batiste but this gives me an added gloss which is nice.


  1. Oh my god, my hair sounds EXACTLY like yours! I haven't tried a dry shampoo yet, but the superdrug one sounds promising so thank you!!! :D

  2. Definitely have to try this, I didn't know they had it either. I know what you mean about the Batiste scent.. I use it, but I think I cast a judging eye if I sniff it on someone else.

  3. I bought this a few weeks ago and i love it.... i think its better than batiste... ill defo be getting it again.... i ahvent reviewed it yet as i have only used it once

  4. I've not seen this in store before but I'll be on the look out for it now.

  5. I've fallen out of love with Batiste so will look out for this on my next trip to Superdrug. X

  6. Great review! I'll definitely be buying this soon :)

  7. Neekeexoxo: I really like it and I am usually quite fussy about dry shampoos. I have used some no name ones in the past which were total pants but this is really good.

    Sana: I would say go for it! I got mine on special offer, two for £3 or something like that.

    Glitterish Allsorts: This is a worthy replacement for Batiste! I was surprised that it worked so well.

    Amina: It's worth it and you won't be upset if you leave it at work because it's quite the bargain.

    Primp and Preen: I wouldn't have seen it either had I not seen it on a blog, they should advertise it more.

    Lil Miss Giggles: I like the fact that it still gives you a little shine whereas Batiste gives you total matte hair.

    Phoebe: You know what I mean, you give people a look when you can smell it on them..

    Nats: No problem! I find that I can just spray this on curly hair and scrunch it out without having to comb my hair.


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