
Thursday 26 August 2010

My Models Own Loot

I have been lusting after two Models Own polishes for ages, after seeing this post. Thus, when they had their 50% sale on, I decided that I'd place a little order with them.

I placed the order on Saturday or Sunday and my goodies turned up today.  To say I was excited about their arrival would be the biggest understatement of the year.  I was coo-ing over them all day at work, itching to get home and test them out.

I've been home a few hours now and feel lousy, I'm sure I have a cold coming on thanks to the rain!  Thus, I haven't swatched any of them but I have taken photographs.

Here's what I got..
Your invoice comes in this impressed ME!

The photos are edited to show the colours are true to life as I could get them.  Silver Fox, Mixed Up and Gold Finger came in a set and the other three were individuals.

And they're glit-tastic!
The middle colour in the bottom row is Mixed Up.  You can't tell that it has multi coloured sparkles in it but it's a beaut.

Disco Mix is even more handsome than I assumed it would be and I can't wait to layer Silver Spangle over my favourite black polish.

I've been on the lookout for a decent eyeliner and pencil brush for ages and when I saw these in the sale, I snatched them up.
Anybody else buy anything? I'm more than tempted to make another order but I need to remind myself of the amount of polishes I already have.  Also, before I forget, the code is FACEBOOK50 and the sale ends get ordering!


  1. gorgeous polishes, this makes me more antsy to get my order delivered :)

  2. I LOVE all of those glittery polishes, I've only ever used 2 models own but never any of the glitter ones, I may go and have a wee look xx

  3. I love those brushes. I love the look of disco mix.... i might need to buy that one. I love glitter polishes. x

  4. OMG, these look yummy!
    How fun...


  5. Ooh disco mix looks lovely! I may just put an order in. I also like the look of those eyeshadow brushes :) x

  6. Disco mix is among the limited glitters I own & it is a definite favourite. The second coat makes all the difference.

  7. I ordered on monday I think it was, waiting patiently!
    I also ordered silver spangles, and the brush set! Got the peach blush, and polishes in lili's pink and lilac dream.
    Silver spangle looks awesome, can't wait to get it!

    Anna x

  8. Whoaaa, that is some glitter going on there...that disco mix one looks like its going to literally blind someone with all that sparkle...lovvvving all of these..

  9. Hot damn, Disco Mix and Silver Spangle need to be in my life. RIGHT NOW.


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