
Saturday, 21 August 2010

EOTD: How I change the shape of my eyes

You know when you watch a Youtube tutorial and it's about how to change certain parts of your face? Be it contouring your cheeks or making your eyes look bigger..I seldom see the difference.  I've only ever seen one person master the contour.

I've been getting a few emails recently about the makeup I wear to work..I found out (totally by accident) that the look I sport actually makes my eyes look bigger and changes their shape.  So, here I am..sharing the wealth.

This is basically my work you see why I use bright colours in my EOTD's.  I dislike the gloss I am wearing but it is very moisturising and my lips actually look decent.  Plus, as I tie my hair back most of the time, there is no gloss/hair copulation going on.

This photo shows the effects better, I love how the Colossal fans out your lashes and opens up your eyes.  I haven't curled them in this photo, it's all the work of the mascara.

This is what I use.  I'm a bit pissed off because once again, I've found my perfect lid colour in a palette, WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME?!

Anyone else see the subtle change?


  1. That pallete has some lovely colours for my skin tone!!!!

  2. Those type of tutorials are intriguing as it's amazing how much difference it makes to your look just by placement of product. Pixiwoo did one recently for thwe eyes that I liked.
    Also that mascara makes your looks lovely.

  3. Hi,

    Speaking of finding your perfect lid colour in a palette, I remember you liked the medium shade in the 17 Bronzing palette from last year.

    After speaking to you on Twitter I picked up the new one from Boots last week and I'm really liking it, so thank you very much for the recommendation.

    As it happens, both the eyeshadows in the palette are from the regular 17 range - Ivory Coast and Statuesque - so you should be able to pick up a single pot if you want it without the palette.

    Not sure about the old palette but the gloss in the new palette is Sugar Daddy lipstick from the new Mirror Shine range.

  4. Hello! I love your blog.
    I'm wearing a traditional Kodi/Kasavu Sari for Onam tomorrow. I've never worn one before and was wondering if anyone had any good makeup ideas for it.

    Thanks :)

  5. Mehak: No7 seem to well when it comes to palettes like this, it's the standard ones that I don't like.

    Meeta: Thank you, I had to chuck it away as it started to make them clumpy, I've forgotten to add it to the collage but it's Maybelline's Colossal.

    Galen: Thank you for doing the leg work for me! I wanted to ask in Boots the other week but there was nobody around. I've already ordered the two shadows and got another bronzer palette!

    Shifa: Thanks :) I think it was an Xmas GWP or something. I should have picked up more.

    Bronze.and.Beautiful: I just googled the sari type and I'd do a basic neutral eye and have a bold lip. Use some pencil on your waterline but don't do the usual overload of eyeliner as you want to keep it simple.

    A darker lip will balance the eyes. I'd suggest lining the eye with a golden pencil (upper lashes) so that when you blink, the colour pokes through.

  6. Duuuuuude, that mascara makes your lashes look epic O_O I wonder if it would work on my stumps.


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