
Tuesday 20 July 2010

EOTD: Late for an Indian party

We had a wedding to attend recently and we couldn't make it, I can't remeber why but either Simon was hungover or somthing else which was entirely his fault.

The married couple had a party a few weeks later and we managed to get our acts together.

As is the norm in our flat, we were running late.

In between an exchange of many cross words, I managed to chuck whatever I could on my eyes and run out the door...I should point out that I was wearing clothes to boot.

These photos are from when we got home.
I was going to do a carefully crafted turquoise pencil on top of liquid liner winged look but I  had no time to faff so I ended up with this.  Tis a shame I have no open eyed photo as the lower lid was lined with one of my favourite eye pencils.

I am wearing no mascra as I quite liked how sparkly my lashes looked with shadow fallout on them.

Here is what I used:
The concealer is fast becoming one of my favourite items, so much so that I'm going to do a review on it very soon.  The baked shadows are ok, they have a hard time showing up on my skintone but they're alright if you use a base.


  1. So pretty! Love the colours and the sparkles x

  2. Blue really suits you, your eyes look lovely, I agree, I would have added a blue eyeliner- but know what its like to be short of time!!! and someone is rushing you out the door!! lol (dont you just hate that!) Love your blog hun.


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