
Friday, 23 July 2010

Do YOU know how to use a cleansing wipe?

I was taking some eye makeup off the other day and saw this, it made me giggle a bit.

Who'd have thunk it?  What would you do if those directions weren't there? It's pretty difficult to take them all out at the same time.  Would you squeeze the liquid from them and apply it to your eyes?

I'm glad I was on hand to help you learn how to properly use a cleansing wipe.

This time next week, how to properly apply lipstick, you know you have to remove the lid first?


  1. Ha ha ha this is hilarious :D

    btw, I wanted to ask you - do you have any work and/or smokey eye appropriate lipstick reccos for indian skin? (mac nc 43-ish, if that helps!)

  2. Ki: I was a bit confused why they put it up there, you'd think that people would know how to use a cleansing wipe.

    I can't wear a smokey eye to work because I work in a super professional office and it would look funny but I do have some lipstick recs, if you click on the "lipstick" tab on the side, you can find them. Some of the Revlon Colourburts are good, I have a L'oreal one (Dune) which is a very good nude shade for women of colour. Finally, MAC make a really good pinky gloss (Full on Lust) which is sadly limited edition.

    I think the L'oreal lipstick would be best if you wear a smokey eye to work as it gives you a proper nude lip and you don't want to have a heavy face.

  3. Thank God you posted this - I kept eating them all the time. It was playing havoc with my innards.

  4. I'll try dune, it looks great thanks :)


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