
Monday 21 June 2010

What are you playing at Clarins?!

I got the Clarins coffret for Xmas and I used up the handcream as I really liked it.  I decided to buy it again because it lasted ages and was pretty good.

Well, check out this brand new bottle of their handcream:

That's a 100 ml bottle..with 50ml of handcream in there..

I haven't been back to the counter to return it because I've misplaced the receipt but even still, that is ridiculous.

I haven't used ANY of it and it's nearly half empty? I know that when you buy cream products like this that they aren't full right to the top but nigh on half full is taking the biscuit!

I don't know if this is just how much Clarins fill their bottles..if it is then I'm sure you're not allowed to say it's a certain measurement when you're clearly selling a great deal less than that amount.  If it's a mistake/bad bunch then that's also just as bad because you'd think that a high end brand like Clarins would have a decent quality control set up going on.


  1. Yeah, that takes the piss LOL I hope you find that receipt!

  2. oh wow! that is baaaad! find that receipt!!

  3. take it back and have a moan! Only thing is, how can you prove it =0/ x

  4. I've sworn off Clarins ever since I saw a mature SA working the counter there with baby blue eyeshadow right up to her brow :|

  5. I'm trying my best to find that damn receipt but it doesn't look good because I just smushed it into my purse along with other receipts. I did go to have a moan but the girl behind the counter clearly didn't give a shit because there were other customers there who wanted to spend money. The blue eyeshadow situation is ridiculous! Did her co-workers not tell her to take it off or anything?

  6. Ugh how awful! Hope you can find the receipt.

  7. woah thats taking the piss!! im not a big fan of clarins must say.

  8. I'm trying my best to find it but no luck so far, damn it! And Amina, neither am I after this situation!

  9. hahaha i always always lose my make up receipts!!! ive gone of clarins when the lady promised me their cleanser would work and when it didnt at all she refused to take it back. er no i dont think so. the only thing i used (and thats when its a gift for me) is that hand cream x

  10. Write a letter to Clarins and explain the situation. Did u pay for it with your credit/debit card? if so print out that statement and highlight when the purchase was made. Very often companies accept card statements as proof of purchase. This is a horrible situation. The Clarins counter people are ALWAYS older and INNAPROPRIATELY AND CHILDISHLY made up. Urggh

  11. I had that with my Clinique daycream.
    What you get is a huge green jar... When you open the jar you see that there is just a tiny hole with cream in it. I don't know how quickly one is supposed to finish a pot of skin cream, but I paid 55 euros and it only lasted for about 3 months.


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