
Monday 5 April 2010

Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On eyeliner pencils on a budget

Urban Decay pencils, everyone loves them yet not everyone is willing to pay £11.00 for a pencil.  I'm not saying the pencils are crap, they're brilliant but something inside me doesn't want to pay that much for an eye pencil.

Anyway, whilst I was in this frugal state of mind, I went to Boots armed with about 5 £5 off vouchers.  I didn't know what to get and these were an impulse buy as my brother was getting pissed off carrying a basket full of "women's crap" around with him.

I've been using these pretty much whenever I can which has been more often than I thought I'd be able to.
Boots do these pencils, eyebrow pencils and normal eyeliner pencils.  I've been in to buy more of these in the past and they've only had normal pencils..which I realised once I got home with my latest acquisition.

I really want the green one so I'm going to buy it with the next voucher I get.

I have two of them and the last forever on the eye so you don't have to use too much.  I've used mine whenever possible and the pencils are still pretty big.

As you can see, there is a slight amount of glitter in these pencils but it's not so much that you look like a disco ball whenever you wear them, it's nice and subtle.
The colour range isn't as varied as Urban Decay but you do get the basic blue, turquoise, gold, purple and green which I think is more than enough for most people.

You can buy them here.  They usually cost £7.00 but I tend to buy them when I've got the £5 off voucher so I get them for £2.00.

Also, does anyone remember back in the day when Boots used to offer it on No7, Ruby and Millie and Jemma Kidd? I wonder why they stopped selling JK.

Do you guys have any of these pencils? Do you know why Boots stopped selling JK? Let me know..because I'm a nosey cow.


  1. I've never tried these, but next time I have a No7 voucher I'll give them a whirl.

    I find that the GOSH Velvet Touch liners are also good dupes for the UD liners


  2. I love these pencils! I'm on my third purple one. It's a great dupe for MAC's Rave Pearlglide that came out last year, but without the gritty glitter that leaves my eyes red. Really want the green, and for them to bring out more colours!

  3. So, these are No7 pencils?

    Boots stopped selling Jemma Kidd as JK is now available in SpaceNK. Odd. Selfridges, then Boots, now SpaceNK. How many brands do that?

  4. Oooh my Mum loves these, thanks for the heads up!

  5. Ooh these look good! the last voucher could still be used on Ruby & Millie?

  6. Oooh these look great! The purple looks really pretty.

  7. Jemma Kidd does a great eyeliner pencil, with a smudge end. I bought one in Boots years ago! Costs £15 though!!

  8. BrionyLou: I always want to try the GOSH ones, I've finished a Rimmel pencil so I'm going to pick up the GOSH black pencil and see how I get on with it.

    The PostColonial Rabbit: Hey Naz :) I really like the colours I have and I'm lusting after the green one but my Boots never seem to have it in stock..or they do and it's been swatched to hell.

    Get Lippie: Yeah, they're No7 pencils but not their standard eye ones if that makes sense? It does seem odd for a company to go from Selfridges to Boots and then to SpackNK..I remember that they didn't phase them out, they were just gone!

    Dreams that Glitter: Steal them from her and you will love them too! My mum likes the standard eye pencils but they wear off my waterline pretty quick.

    Jen: Yeah, you can still use the vouchers on RnM and No7, back in the day it was also JK.

    Lillian: They're really nice, soft enough but then also firm enough to get a nice colour. You can even use them as eyeshdow pencils as they blend nicely. The only thing that holds them back sometimes is when they're blunt but they're really bright when you sharpen them.

    Lucie.lovely.cupcake: Ooooh that's a bit pricey!

    Thanks for your comments! x

  9. Jemma discontinued her boots line to do one exclusively for space nk - useless fact of the day!

  10. wow that blue looks nice, i have the gold and the purple! they are fab!! u shud try theyre liquid liners - the coloured metallic ones - super long staying power!!

  11. The turquoise is so pretty. It looks like it'd be an awesome eyeshadow base :)

  12. I love the look of the purple one! I am not a bit eyeliner fan too and would be willing to fork out 11 quid on the UD ones :S These look like a nice option :)

  13. Anne-Marie: Thanks! I was wondering why they stopped selling her makeup and started selling only a brush holder.

    Inner Belle: I got their liquid liner in a Clearance GWP but I've misplaced the whole thing, I really wanted to use it as well! I wanted the gold but have a v. old gold pencil that I'm using and that's perfect but when it runs out, I'm getting this one.

    SilhouetteScreams: It's so vibrant, I was totally surprised by it! It makes a good eyeshadow base and also a good eyeshadow, they've very easy to blend with eyeshadow brushes.

    Get Gawjus: I'd say these are just as good as the UD ones if not better and if my liquid liner skills were as good as yours, I'd never use pencil again either!


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