
Thursday 25 March 2010

Urban Decay face chart 1

This isn't another post about how I haven't done  face chart yet because I actually have managed to get one down!

It's the one that I said I would do before..

I didn't look at the face chart whilst doing it as I was watching TV so I kind of did it from memory so it's not exactly the same as this.

Also, I tried to get a shot of my face exactly as the face is in the face chart but my camera was having none of it, which is probably a blessing in diguise as my skin is currently in a right state.

I remember I said that I wanted to do these looks but on a budget and everything I used (bar one item) is cheap..
1: UDPP: £9.50 but now it costs something like £11/12.
2: Rimmel eyeshadow: £1 from my beloved Pound Shop.
3: YSL TE: £22? I know, I know I made a big old hoohaa about this on my blog before but I was given it back when I was naive and it works pretty well in FOTD's when you can't find your usual concealer.
4: Rimmel Extra Super Lash mascara: £2. I bought this yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaars ago, probably back in 2002? I've kept it only to do this FOTD, it's now in the bin.
5: Boots No7 Metallic pencil: £1.  £5 off voucher.  Very worth it, they're my UD dupes.
6: Boots No7 Eye colour brush: £1. £5 off voucher.  Perfect for applying UDPP.
7: Boots No7 Eyeshadow blend and contour brush: £1.  £5 off voucher.  Very good for general blending.

Everything for the look (excluding TE and UDPP because I didn't pay for them) cost me £6.  Not bad really.

Here's what I got for my money:
I think it came out quite well, I was pretty happy with how pigmented the Boots pencil was as I didn't think it would be as bright, I've used it before and it's never been that bright but a good sharpening sorted that right out.

I did the eyes and lips on separate days, I had trouble finding a lipstick/gloss which gave me such a nice pink colour so in the end I decided to use my MAC Full on Lust lipglass, check the "stock" photo:
I think the face chart is a bit off because in the drawing, the lips look pink but in the photo, they're more reddy?

Anyway, what do you guys think?  I've decided to work my way up from the easier ones to the harder ones..


  1. hey Rhambo =D
    great look! could you mail me some of these charts, i wanna have a go!
    my laptop went to shit and it had to be completely wiped clean and restored =0/
    just getting everything back sorted now =D

  2. I think that blue works really well with your dark eyes. I think the pencil would be even better with a black mascara though.

    Why is your UDPP in a pot? Did the packaging drive you to tube-icide?

  3. Oooh I really like it, I love using blue liner, and yours is very pretty! :) xx

  4. Noobish: Thank you ;) I will email you some over. Good thing your laptop is back to working, I've missed the merkin ;)

    SilhouetteScreams: I don't want to say too much, I'm doing a review on them soon so look out for it.

    Sarah: Thanks :) You're right, it works perfectly with a black mascara but I was copying the face chart and I used more blue mascara because I was a bit miffed at there being practically none in the face chart. It did indeed drive me to tube-icide, it's nearly finished now though, boo!

    Kavita: Thanks :) I've seen some of your eyemakeup posts and your liner skills are to be admired!


  5. Hey, The liner looks great :)

    You can check out my blog too and may be you can follow me if you'd like :)



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