
Saturday 13 March 2010

I thought the brand was called Rimmel LONDON?

I was on the Rimmel website last night having a nose to see what shades they did in eyeshadows and I came across this:
I'd never seen this in the shops before and I was wondering why..then I realised that I was on the US Rimmel website.  In my defence, the website is the same but you just choose which country you want to view and it shows you products that are available in that specific country.

I decided to have a nose around the rest of the website and I found these items (that once again, I have NEVER seen in the UK).
 I don't understand this at all, am I being naive? The brand is called Rimmel London and yet they have a wealth of products which aren't sold in the UK but are readily available in America.

I thought that maybe these were new products that we would be getting in due time but when I checked the "new products" section of the US Rimmel site, they were advertising the Max Volume Flash mascara which is something we've had here for quite some time.

Would you lot try these products if they were released on the UK market? Or, have they been released and I've just not seen them? 


  1. This is annoyed me for sometime Airy Fairy lipstick is US Canada only and those mineral eyeshadows look gorgeous - It's so unfair - L'oreal are the same I love the L'oreal HIP stuff but we can't get that here hardly either x

  2. Wouldnt mind trying the eyeshadows(?) on the last picture!

    How annoying! The US seems to get such a better range of products by some brands..

  3. yep its sucky :( i agree with louise always wanted to try HIP stuff

  4. They have all these nail colours too - ones that way more interesting than the ones we get here! It really sucks I agree

  5. Great post, maybe we should send Rimmel a letter...? Their head office is just down the road from me!


  6. I agree and was thinking the same thing myself a few days ago, It is so annoying.. If you're a British Brand, then sell these things over here!

  7. I've sent them an email and I'll report back on what they say..if I get a reply.

    You're all right, it doesn't make sense that a brand which calls itself Rimmel London sells a wider variety in America than it does in the UK.

    I really want to try the L'oreal HIP gel liners, my cousin is getting married in America later this year and I can't wait to go and stock up on the makeup.

  8. Agree on wat Louise says! Pretty pathetic...

  9. Not gonna lie, that's utter bullshit >=|

  10. Oh wow, it's like an alternate universe of product... would love to know what the reply is if you get one.

  11. Hey everyone, I wrote to them and got a reply, here's the link to what they said:


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