
Friday 12 February 2010

Project Grow Your Own Week 4 aka ONE WHOLE MONTH!

I've been growing the stumps for a month now and white bits no longer phase me and I'm having no cravings to bite my nails.  I really wanted to speed growth up a bit but there were many conflicting reports on the web.

I was on Twitter last week and I spoke to Jayne from Just Beauty Direct (incidentally, they were the first company I ever ordered makeup from online and their service is great, they give you full sized extras with your orders and they actually think about what colours would match you instead of whacking just anything in the every item comes in a cute little gauze bag.  Oh, AND they colour code your items so your samples are in a different colour bag to the items you ordered).    You can follow Jayne on Twitter (she's a fountain of knowledge, I tells ya!)

Anyway, Jayne suggested using a cuticle cream or a cream which claimed to strengthen nails.  So, I went to my Clarins box and found the nail cream within.  I used it religiously all week and it didn't do much.  I haven't given up though, I have been using my Sally Hansen top coat and that's doing me some good.  I was wearing a purple colour on my nails but took it off so I (and you) could see if there's been more growth.

Here are the nails for your perusal:

I'm going to pick up Soap and Glory's Handfood as I've heard nothing but good things about it.


  1. Ohhhh... they're really coming along now hunny bun! Well done... Im proud of ya!


  2. S&G Handfood + No7 Nourishing Nail and Cuticle Care will give you fab nails in no time!


  3. wow its workin pretty well
    good luck

  4. Wow, they're looking really great! Well done, you should be really proud of yourself :)

  5. Jo: Aww, thanks :) I make sure I look at nail-y blogs (yours being one of them) on a daily basis so I don't want to bite them again and so far it's worked. I had a nightmare last night that one broke and I actually woke up and had to run to the bathroom to check (sad!)

    Briony: I'm picking the Handfood up later today because they had none yesterday, it's a steal at £3. Is the No7 thing a topcoat kind of nail polish? I'm using Sally Hansen but it seems to have peaked..

    Fiza: Thank you!

    Lillian: I am super chuffed, I keep showing the Mr but he's doesn't seem to understand how great this is!

    Thanks for your comments girlies x


Thanks for your comments everyone! I do read each and every comment left and I try my best to answer any questions.

If you have a burning question and would like an in-depth/personal reply, feel free to email me at or and I'll reply as soon as I can. You can also tweet me (@rhamnousia84) but you'll need to be following me if you want a reply via DM.

A quick note to any companies who come across my blog: Please do not use my comments section as a way to advertise your website. If you'd like to feature your site on my blog then please get in touch by emailing me at
