
Thursday 14 January 2010

What can you get for a tenner THESE days?!

In short, this (minus the socks):

I went to Tescos to pick up my new glasses (watch out for a post on them soon) and get some moisturiser.  Came away having spent the grand sum of £10 on the beauties above.  Every pair of socks was 25p (I'm always wearing a pair so I got 9 in total) and the beauty bits were £1 each, cut down from their usual prices.  I also got an eye mask which is chilling in the fridge and can be used warm or cold.

I went into Matalan on the way home and bought myself a lambswool jumper for the grand sum of £4.

AND I've been to the recording of 8 out of 10 cats, Jimmy Carr's laugh really is that hearty.


  1. bargainous!!! lucky you :-) xxxx

  2. Ooooh, do I see some Skin Wisdom goodies in there too? I loved the tinted moisturiser they used to have! x


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