
Friday 8 January 2010

Review: Korres Pomegranate Moisturising Cream-Gel

I'm not ashamed to say that I've got greasy skin on my face. The annoying thing is that it is only my nose and my forehead which get greasy whilst my cheeks remain normal. This makes treatment of the problem pretty tricky. If my whole face was greasy then I could just get a mattifying cream and be done with it.  Sadly, I can't. Most of the time I am left with either dry cheeks and a matte forehead/nose or moisturised cheeks and an oil slick on my nose and forehead.  Funnily enough, my chin has never succumbed to greasies..

I tried everything to stop the grease and my latest success was a combination of using Biore's Warming Blackhead Fighting Cream Wash everyday and then moisturising with my Boots moisturiser (which, I think they have  My Boots moisturiser finished and I started using Skin Foods which gave me matte skin but also broke me out in spots so I stopped.

Then I was sent Korres Pomegranate Moisturising Cream-Gel to review. I also got the Pomegranate Mask and Pomegranate Scrub (I've been sent two scrubs though so will have to ask for a mask) but I haven't used them yet thanks to el fingero dodgy-o.

I've never used a product by Korres before and for some reason I kept thinking they were affiliated with Michael Kors, despite the fact Korres and Kors is spelt differently and one is Greek and t'other is American.

Korres' USP is that they use natural ingredients and no nasty stuff to make their products.  I'll be honest and say that I never really bothered for natural/organic items which is a bit stupid seeing as all my mum's skincare recipes are 100% based on items you can't find in labs.

Korres claim that "Carob tree polysaccharides and provitamin B5 combine an immediate moisturising effect with long-term hydration balancing activity. Pomegranate extract, rich in tannins, tightens the pores and tones the skin. Vitamins C and E, in combination with Avocado extract, provide essential antioxidant protection." 

What do I have to say?
This cream works on every level. It moisturised my cheeks and mattified my nose and forehead. I didn't even think to look at my face for grease in a mirror any more because it felt matte. Another benefit which I only noticed yesterday was the fact that it had actually made the pores around my nose vanish.  This alone is no easy task as nothing has ever helped them before!

Now to the not so good.  The container is made of glass so you have to be careful that you don't drop it.  The container only holds 40ml of moisturiser which isn't a lot.  Someone on MUA said that theirs lasted them a long time but mine is nearly finished and I've only been using it since the first week of December.  The smell also takes a bit of getting used to.  Another problem I found was that it if you use it in the winter, your cheeks get dry. It's perfect for summer though.  The final problem is the consistency of the cream-gel but I think that's to be expected, it's a wobbly kinda cream but you get used to that and I'm not complaining because the results you get are fantastic.

Hell to the yes. The good deffo outweighs the bad here as I have never had a moisturiser which balanced my skin as well as this did before.  Plus it made my pores smaller which is something I have wanted a cream to do for ages.  However, I won't be buying this cream in the winter if this year's winter is as bad as the weather we had in December because it does dry me out a teeeeeeeensy bit.  It's a total winner for the summer though and I feel I'd use less in the summer so it would last me longer.

Korres is available in John Lewis, Boots, and on the Korres website. This particular cream retails for £14.40 on


  1. Korres skincare is the TRUTH!!! I love it and used the Pomegranate mask tonight and now my face feels like silk.

  2. Hi.. Do you think this moisturizer is better than clinique dramatically different for oily skin?


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