
Sunday 29 November 2009

Review: Rimmel Stay Glossy Lipgloss

I won this gloss in a Rimmel giveaway.  Rimmel are really really good for giveaways of new products, if you sign up to their newsletter you get an email when they have a new product release and when they have a giveaway open.  Plus, they give away a fair amount, they gave away 3000 of these lipglosses which is super generous.
I've been using the gloss since the day I got it and below is my review..

Rimmel say "Style. Shape. Shine. Stay Glossy delivers on all three with a fantastic new formula and applicator combo, custom-designed for fabulously luscious lips that last, and last, and last. New Stay Glossy Lipgloss features advanced Shine Extend™ technology for up to six hours of fabulously polished perfection. Its lip-loving formula pampers lips with a caring complex of cotton and silk for increased lips moisturisation. The innovative Soft Extend™ applicator is designed for ultimate speed and accuracy, defining your dream lips in a flash."

The colour I got was Captivate Me (340).  The swatch on the website isn't the best but the colour match to my lips is great.  The colour is a dusky kinda pink and it has small flecks of glitter in it.

So, did it hold up to these claims?
It was indeed shiny and glossy and it was surprisingly good at keeping my lips soft and moisturised.  I sound like such a fat pig here but hey..I don't know if it stays on for six hours without coming off because I don't go 6 hours without eating but I will say that until I ate, it stayed on VERY well.

The main thing I loved about this gloss was the applicator, all companies making glosses should abandon that dodgy doe foot applicator (I'm not picking on this company, they had the best pic to illustrate my point) and start using this Soft Extend™ applicator because it works like a charm.

I've also found a way of making the applicator BETTER.  On visit to TGI's to celebrate my brother's birthday, I slipped the gloss into my pocket. My thighs must be hotter than the pits of hell because when I took the gloss out, the bottle was a bit warm.  The Soft Extend™ applicator had softened and application was the best I'd ever had. It bends just as you apply a little pressure but holds enough composure to coat your lips properly.  Plus, you don't get any wastage like you do with the doe feet. You can totally control how much gloss you want to put on.

The picture-y bit:

I really like the packaging on this, Rimmel have made it look bling but not tacky. The picture represents a true swatch of what the colour looks like.  I really liked the shiny part of the applicator..

See how lovely and sleek that looks?

The shade:

Tis a good thing I took this before I went to TGI's because it's all but rubbed off now..

The excellent applicator:

I tried my best to photograph the applicator so you could see it wasn't a doe foot but this is the best it came out. It's like a doe foot but the end is flat and you can flex it as you wish. It's a revelation in lipgloss application I tells ya and the pocket warming method only makes application more effortless.  Take my word for it, it's the bees kneees. I've been to Boots and have taken the tester out of the tube and you can see the trailblazing shape.

Look how gorgeous it is!

This is how the glitter appears under flashy conditions:

I'd buy this in a flash. The colour is lovely, it lasts, it is shiny and glossy and best of all the applicator is a stroke of genius.  I feel that I should say this about Rimmel because I feel they're missing a trick.  Their colour range works brilliantly on women of colour, I've bought glosses from them before and they've actually shown up on my lips whereas some high end brands have fallen flat on their faces. Maybe if Rimmel got a coloured model in their ads, they would increase their customer basis a bit.. The gloss is also cheap, it retails for £5.99 but is currently on sale in Boots for £4.49.


  1. Lucky girlie :) do i have to say it luks gorgeous on ya? my kinda color, so i definitely wanna give it a try for that price tag, at least :) thnq for sharing!

  2. The glitter looks so pretty!

  3. Really cute packaging. Looks like Mac Plushglass on yr lips

  4. Thanks ladies!

    Divija: It's really worth the money, get it! It lasts a long time too, I've been using it non stop since I got it and only about 2 cm of the bottle is bare.

    Kelly: It is indeed gorgeous :) They have a great colour range, the reds would look stunning on you.

    Cynthia: I've never used Plushglass, I do have some Lipglasses but they don't last as long as this and they're sticky which I hate..

    Thanks for the comments ladies xx

  5. ahh i won this too!! i love it, it's so shiney! nice blog btw! x

  6. M: Thank you! I need to kick it up a gear though because I'm being too lazy recently. This year it shall deffo improve! What shade did you get?

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