
Wednesday 7 October 2009

God, she's such a bloody show off

Yeah, that's me!

This is my first fashiony post on this blog and I'm at the centre of it. I don't follow fashion so much that I camp outside Topshop the night before Miss Moss/Mr Kane launch their newest range so this blog won't have much by way of fashion exclusives. What it will have is my latest bargains and where you guys can pick them up..

I was recently reading Une Tasse's blog and she mentioned that she found some really good cleansing wipes in Tescos for 27p.  I'm not one to miss out on a bargain so I rushed off today to go and get some for myself. I use the word "rushed" in the loosest sense of the word, I read her post a week or so ago and only ventured out today. I'm quite glad I went because I found more stuff I needed and the prices were reduced...

The beauties above cost me about £7 all in.  The scrub was £3.91, the face wipes were 27p and the King of Shaves gel (for the Mon) was a bargainous £1.77.

I took a mosey on down to Matalan (we were meant to go the Next Outlet but arguments prevailed and it didn't happen) and despite being on a spending ban, I found these gorgeous things:

£10 originally, marked as £5 but came up as £2.50..bargain! 
It looks like a top fit for Quasimodo.  It has a cut out detail on the shoulders and is tight fitting around the leg and wrist area.  Tis the colour of Dairy Milk, matches perfectly with my bedroom. 

The green dress/top was £15 originally and marked down to £3.50.  I liked the belt more but you can't say no to a dress and belt for £3.50.
The purple top is by Papaya and the lovely greeny blue one is by By Beau (Be Beau?)

The gorgeous belt, it's super shiny IRL and has a patent bit too which is lovely.

I also picked up two bras for the grand sum of £3 but the world doesn't need to be exposed to those..there was also a blue zippy top which was only £4.00, I may go buy that tomorrow. 

Have you guys picked up any bargains lately? If so, share the wealth! Also, whilst I'm here, what lip balms are you guys using? I'm using a Boots one but it's drying my lips out like there's no tomorrow (it's the shit one I mentioned before).  Carmex and Neutrogena are my HG's but I'm not seeing them anywhere recently so what do you suggest?



  1. What a bargainous haul! I love getting clothes for dirt cheap in the sales.

    My HG lip balm is also Carmex, which I use all the time. You can't find it in the shops?? x

  2. great haul - wer did u find such bargains? i av to agree ^ carmex is the bomb shizzle!!

  3. Une tasse: I'm going back today to get more! I have used Carmex in the past and I love it but I couldn't find it ANYWHERE in Tescos, Superdrug or Boots. There must be an embargo on lip balm or something, hehehe.

    Inner Belle: I got them from Matalan. My mum popped in there the other day to get a clock and saw they had a lot of clothes on sale. It's all their recent stuff as well. The lady working there said that they haven't advertised the sale yet but a lot has sold already. The purple top was £10 about two weeks ago.

    I've also got my eye on a mock Hermes Birkin bag which is only £5 and a petrol blue chainy affair. Not that I need any more bags!

  4. Really?? Do you live in London? I see Carmex everywhere! I can pick one up for you if you like

  5. I do indeed live in London, may have to go out and properly check again. Thanks for the offer :)



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