
Monday 21 September 2009


I know I've practically killed you guys with blog posts today but this is the last one for today, I promise.

I was going for a natural/she's wearing makeup but doesn't look like a clown look and this is what I got..

Firstly, the products I used:

For eyeshadow, I used the top shade on the left hand side.
  • 17 Bronzed and Gorgeous Summer Glow Kit
  • Maybelline Colossal mascara in Black
  • Rimmel Magic Eyes pencil in Magic Black (not pictured because I forgot)
  • UDPP
  • Stila All Over Shimmer in shade 7
Brushes I used:
  • No7 Eye Colour Brush
  • No7 Eyeshadow Blend and Contour Brush
  • UDPP wand
As an aside, I'd been having a bit of trouble recently applying UDPP with my fingers, you know when you get too good at something and you boob it up? That's what had happened so I dug out the wand and used that today and then blended with my fingers, it worked a charm.

An open and shut case:

Open for business:

Closed to visitors:

I kept my lips bare so I don't think they warranted a photo.

This is a basic FOTD but I feel I should point some things out. Mainly the quality of products which are cheap/free. I got the brushes for £2 total by using my Boots vouchers, those of you who know me know that I have been banging on about how great Ruby and Millie brushes are for years. Well they pale in comparison to these No7 ones, the No7 ones are, in short BRILLIANT, here's a quick review:

  • Very easy to hold brushes, the actual brush on the contour could be a bit smaller but that's me being picky
  • Nice and smooth barrels
  • Brush head picks up a lot of colour and translates it on over to your eyelid
  • Both brushes make blending a doddle, even for novices like me
  • The brush heads are super smooth, not at all scratchy, I ragged them on my lids and didn't feel a thing.
  • I like them but there was a time (about 5 weeks ago?) when I was loving Ruby and Millie brushes so maybe I should feel up some MAC brushes before I get too content!
Regarding the palette from 17, WHAT A SURPRISE! I have never really used 17 shadows before as the colours didn't really appeal to me (I'm like a magpie for the sparkly shadows) but this palette has a sparkly shade in it which I love, I used it today, super super easy to blend and it looks really nice. I will be using this as my everyday shade from now on!

Thanks for reading!

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