
Saturday 4 July 2009

Urban Decay, white pencil bases, Boots points

Two blog entries in as many days..this is what happens when I'm left to my own devices..

Here's what's on the the menu for today:
  • Boots points
  • White eyeliner
  • UD price increase
I have saved up about £19 worth of Boots points and have been scouring the website finding something to buy but alas, I have seen nothing I like. I want to buy a high end good as if it turns out crap then at least I haven't wasted hard cash on it. Luckily I'm near a big Boots so can check the stuff out tomorrow.

Years ago I was very conscious of having small ratfink eyes and bought a million and one white eyeliners to make them look bigger. I don't know what I was expecting but I suppose I was naive and expected my eyes to turn into doe eyes overnight..this obviously wasn't the case. Fast forward a good few years and I realise I can use white pencil as a base. The most expensive white pencil I bought was a No7 one from Boots which is ok-ish but not the best. I also had a 17 one from Boots which was super cheap but gives me a really bright white base and is super easy to blend. I used that under a colour yesterday and it really made the colour stand out, I looked a bit stupid with it that bright so had to blend another in but will deffo be using it when using my Sleek Acid palette.

Urban Decay provide me with one of my HG products which is UDPP (the primer potion) and I have loved this ever since I spent points on it last time and it is no where near finished. Imagine my shock today when I saw it priced at £11 on the Boots website. Things are meant to be cheaper after the VAT decrease but it seems to me that Boots are pulling a fast one, either keeping their prices as the tags show (i.e. the pre-reduction rate) or raising prices so that we pay as much, if not more than we paid under the 17.5% tax rate. Hmm..I shall have to go to Debenhams instead.

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