
Tuesday 28 July 2009

50p a pop

Hi everyone,

How's everyone doing today? I do hope you're doing good :)

The theme of this message is super cheap makeup. By this I mean actual cheap makeup, not drugstore cheap but dirt, dirt cheap. It's not a big blog post, just a small few liner about cheapo stuff.

I've been out shopping today, well, returning a cardigan and a brush to Primark and I've seen that they have all their makeup on sale for 50p. It was so hard for me to not buy anything but I actually had a good objective view at the colours available in all the products and realised that half would not go with my skin and that of the one colour of eyeshadow I liked, I already the colour and it worked well. Plus, they always have sales on so IF I realise I need the shade, I can just go back and buy it.

The other shop doing cheap makeup which I've been to recently is New Look, now I swatched some of these products in the store and the colour was really nice and bright but as I said before, I'm cutting back, not adding random cheap things which I will never use. Not all the makeup is marked down but it is all the same price.

So ladies, go mad on my behalf!

Also, I hope you UK ladies have taken advantage of the Nails Inc offer which Yinka so very kindly posted on her blog, I was a bit cheeky and ordered one for my flat and one for my parents' house, I can't wait for them to arrive as those polishes are the love, the only ones which don't chip and don't go smudgy regardless of how many coats you put on.

1 comment:

  1. I love finding cheap makeup - sometimes you can find an amazing product for dirt's so fun to discover a new product,when it's cheap. I don't know if you've ever seen it, but Kleencolor is an exact dupe for NYX right down to the packaging - but Kleencolor only costs $1 for a trio - colors are the same and so pigmentation so it's a real treasure.


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