
Saturday 20 June 2009

Review: Sleek Palettes

Back when I was at TFL me and my friend Sophie were wandering around Superdrug one day and she decided to buy one of these palettes and for the next two weeks all she went on about was how great they were so I decided to buy some myself..We realised pretty quickly that they were for ladies with darker skin as models used were actually models of colour and not black and Indian women who had been photoshopped so they looked lighter than they actually were..yeah, you know the ads, company and women I'm talking about.

Then, come Xmas time they were on offer, 3 for 2 and I ummed and ahhed about it a lot and ended up buying none..I've been regretting that decision for ages and bought a palette the other day..then I went back and bought all the others they had in the store including the electric one..

Well, the colours are bloody gorgeous in all the palettes, one palette has shimmery colours, one has matte and the third has neutral..the electric palette has (as you would imagine) bright neon colours in it.

I've decided to use this palette tomorrow as we have a family get together for Father's Day and I've just used two of the colours on my lids and the colour pay off is great, this is the first time ever I've been able to coat an eyeshadow brush with a dark colour after only two weak strokes of the powder and have it turn out so bright on my eyelids.

I'm blabbing again but here we go..

The palette:

Quite sleek in itself, the writing is not this bright on the case, I had to fiddle with setting to get it to show but it's quite sturdy and yet sleek at the same time. One thing I did like was the insert which protects the eyeshadows, on most, it slips and slides away the second you open it. I get that with my Bobbi Brown palette and it really winds me up. The insert here is (I'm sure!) charged with something which makes it stick to the mirror so you don't lose it AND you can still see the mirror clearly behind it so that's all good so far.

The actual shadows:

Nice variety of colours and they actually come out that way on your skin, the ones I used are the second green in from the top row and the fourth browny/pinky colour in from the bottom row.

The browny colour:

As I'm sure you eagle eyed readers can see, the browny colour was more natural on me and it had a slight shimmer to it, I can see myself wearing it to work and out..I love double usage shadows like looked really natural and was a doddle to apply, the only "issue" I had was that there was tonnes left on the brush when I finished but I assume that would have been used had I done something ridiculous like have two eyelids the same colour.

The brush after stroking the green colour lightly:

Look at the colour pay off there, the brush was fully coated and ready to go..

The green eye:

I'm not sure why it looks bluey/grey there, in real life the colour was a very nice green, kinda the colour you see on the right side of the eyelid near to the base of the lashes. Very very very easy to blend and look how good the colour payoff is for a light stroke of the eyeshadow..

My mascara dream team:

I reviewed the Stiletto last week and this is the first time I've ever used them together, the results were amazing!

Neutral eye with mascara:

I am so happy at how those lashes came out and the fact that I got nothing on my beautiful eyeshadow, I shall be combining these from now on..

Green eye with mascara:

I never actually believed that green makes blue eyes stand out as it has never worked with me before but with this lovely palette I can finally see it, in both pics I'm looking exactly the same way but the green make my eyes look a lot more browner :)!!

I got this look together in the space of 10 minutes and that was with my crappy blending, I can't wait to use this tomorrow with proper blending to see how well it comes out :)

HELL TO THE YES. I would be a be a fool to not repurchase these:

  • the colour payoff is great
  • the colours are not chalky as some can be on darker skins
  • the shadows are very soft and you get a tiny bit on the brush but they pack a lot of colour (hence the payoff)
  • moneywise these palettes are a godsend, for less than a fiver you get 12 eyeshadows which will last you an age (I've gotten one use out of them and they still look untouched)


  1. I have the Original, Storm and Acid palettes. Love 'em!

  2. I was lucky enough to win the storm palette during the week, it's just amazing! so smooth & pigmented.

  3. Storm palette, you will be mine....
    Thanks for the great review :)
    - Anita

  4. Can't wait to get my hands on the neutral one this week :)

  5. Oooh, I may purchase this!

    Thanks for the review Desi girl! xx

  6. Yinka: I bet I couldn't find a piece of makeup that you didn't own :p But aren't they just the best things ever?!

    Em: I took for granted how smooth they were, went back to some cheap ones and they were terrible.

    Anita: Did you ever get your palette?

    Peonies and Waterlilies: I googled both flowers to see how they looked together and the results are good. Neutral palette is good but not one I reach for all the time because I smoke an un-neutral clour into my crease.

    PCMP_Forever: MAY?! Go out and buy it! That many great shadows for under a fiver is a bar-gain!


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